Initial professional training

Training young personnel for law enforcement agencies by replenishing and improving knowledge, as well as developing professional skills necessary for a successful start in their careers.


  • Without previous law enforcement service experience;
  • who wish to join the prosecution service, anti-corruption service or economic investigation service;
  • who have passed the selection process.

These requirements are indicated in each announcement of the start of selection. They depend on the current qualification requirements for the positions to which it is planned to appoint persons who have completed professional training.

Announcements are published on the websites of law enforcement agencies (in the “Documents” or “News” sections):

The announcement shall include:

  • List of documents;
  • the deadline for receipt of documents;
  • name of positions with the designation of the main functional duties, the amount of salary;
  • basic requirements for the candidate established by legal acts regulating the procedure of law enforcement service;
  • restrictions related to the employee's stay in the law enforcement service and anti-corruption restrictions;
  • information on the location of the territorial unit accepting applications, its postal address, and contact numbers.

The ad may also contain other additional information.


The decision to begin selection is made by law enforcement agencies based on analysis and forecast of future vacancies.

As a rule, documents for participation in the selection are accepted 2 times a year (at the beginning and middle of the year).

Announcements about the start of selection are published on the websites of law enforcement agencies.

Selection for initial vocational training involves a series of sequential stages:

Stage 1. Publication of an announcement about the selection on the Internet resources of law enforcement agencies.

Stage 2. Reception of documents from citizens who have expressed a desire to take part in the selection (carried out by law enforcement units).

Stage 3. An interview with a law enforcement agency (where and when the interview will take place is determined by the law enforcement agency).

Stage 4. Medical and psychophysiological examination by military medical commissions (the referral is issued by a law enforcement agency upon successful completion of the interview).

Detailed information on the procedure for passing the military medical commission is in the Rules approved by Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of November 2, 2020 No. 758.

Information about the required documents is in paragraphs 10 and 37 of the Rules.

Stage 5. Polygraph examination in a law enforcement agency.

Stage 6. Passing the exam at the Academy (see below).

Important - to participate in the selection, you must undergo testing, including an assessment of personal qualities in the authorized body for civil service affairs (details in law enforcement departments).

Which program to take tests and assessment of personal qualities depends on the category of position indicated in the advertisement for which they plan to hire a graduate of initial professional training.

As a rule, a test for knowledge of legislation is taken under the “1 Law Enforcement Activity” program, and an assessment of personal qualities is taken under the “2 Law Enforcement Activity” program.

The rules for their conduct were approved by order of the Chairman of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption of September 20, 2016 No. 1.

More details about all stages of selection can be found in the Rules approved by a joint order of the heads of law enforcement agencies

Candidates who have successfully passed all previous stages of selection (see above) are allowed to take the exams.

Schedule (date, time, place) - published on the websites of law enforcement agencies not later than three working days before the date of the examination.

Form of the examination - oral answers to the questions of the examination ticket and additional questions of the members of the examination commission.

Examination tickets contain 3 questions formed in random order from 7 main sections:

  • Civil Code
  • Civil Procedure Code
  • Criminal Code
  • Code of Criminal Procedure
  • Code of Administrative Offenses
  • Administrative Procedure Code
  • Labor Code

List of questions from the previous examination

Memo developed for the previous exam

Examination results - published on the internet resources of law enforcement agencies within 3 working days from the date of the examination.

A candidate who does not agree with the results of the examination may file an appeal within three working days after the publication of the examination results.

The Appeal Commission shall be formed at the Academy and shall consist of at least five members, including the Chairperson. Members of examination commissions may not be included in its composition.

The final recommendation for admission is made by the Interdepartmental Admissions Committee based on the results of exams, studying the personal files of candidates, including the results of polygraph examinations.

This commission includes the vice-rector of the Academy, heads of personnel services of the central apparatus of law enforcement agencies, and representatives of internal security units.

The duration of training at the Academy for students entering the prosecutor's office, the anti-corruption service and the economic investigation service is five months.

A contract containing the basic rights and obligations of the parties is signed with persons enrolled in initial vocational training.

Sample contract

While studying at the Academy, students:

  • must live in the university dormitory (roomy rooms with showers and toilets for 4 people, leisure and public service rooms, a dining room);
  • are provided with food and a stipend (established by the Government).

Food, accommodation and stipend are provided by the state.

Training takes place according to an approved curriculum that provides for the development of 5 core competencies (industry-wide, information, communication, writing, professional). Classes are provided in the gym, shooting range, computer classes, as well as drill training. Particular attention is paid to educational work.

Persons who have completed initial professional training are enrolled in the cadres of the law enforcement agency in the field of activity of which the training was completed.

When they are appointed to a position in a law enforcement agency, the period of professional training is counted towards the length of service in law enforcement (length of service).

Persons who have completed initial vocational training are required to serve in law enforcement agencies for at least three years.

In case of failure to fulfill this obligation or expulsion from the Academy, incl. at his own request, the student is obliged to reimburse the state for the funds spent on preparation, scholarship, food and accommodation.

Exceptions are dismissal for health reasons, as well as in connection with staff reduction, reorganization or liquidation of a body in cases where it is impossible to transfer to another position or to another body (law enforcement or special).

Answers to the most common questions

QUESTION: When will the selection begin (for the prosecutor's office, the economic investigation service, the anti-corruption service)?

Answer: Each law enforcement agency determines this for itself.

They make a forecast: how many new employees they will need in the future, for what positions.

Taking this into account, they decide when to conduct selection and for how many places.

The Academy is not involved in this process.

For more information, contact law enforcement personnel departments.

We also recommend tracking this information on law enforcement websites. Announcements about the beginning of the selection are published in the “News” or “Documents” sections. Usually they come out 2 times a year - at the beginning and in the middle of the year.

QUESTION: Is it possible to enroll after school or college?

Answer: No. A higher education diploma is required for admission.

QUESTION: I will be given a diploma in a month (2 months, a year, etc.). Can I apply for initial training now?

Answer: No, because you will need to attach a copy of your diploma to your application.

Clause 12 of the Rules for selection for initial professional training and the conditions for its completion for persons entering service in the prosecutor’s office, the anti-corruption service and the economic investigation service, as well as the grounds for their exclusion from initial professional training, approved by the Joint Order of the Prosecutor General of June 26, 2020 No. 80, Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency dated June 29, 2020 No. 199 and the Minister of Finance dated July 14, 2020 No. 675.

QUESTION: Is it possible to enroll in vocational training with a diploma in economics, technical or other non-legal specialty?

Answer: The required specialty is indicated in each announcement of the beginning of selection for initial vocational training (published on the websites of law enforcement agencies).

To the prosecutor's office - only with a higher legal education.

There may be others in the Economic Investigation Service and the Anti-Corruption Service.

Typically, this will depend on the position for which the law enforcement agency plans to hire the initial training graduate.

If the qualification requirements for this position allow people with non-legal higher education to be appointed to it, then these people will most likely be able to participate in the selection for initial professional training (subject to the requirements specified in the advertisement). The final decision is made by each law enforcement agency independently.

More details about qualification requirements should be clarified with the law enforcement agencies themselves (explanation of such issues is not within the competence of the Academy).

QUESTION: How is the exam at the Academy and where can I get questions for preparation?

Answer: Look in the Section “Passing exams at the Academy” (on this platform) or on the Academy website (“Menu” → “Training” → “Initial professional training”).

QUESTION: What documents are needed for the military medical commission?

Answer: A referral to a military medical commission and a list of required documents will be issued to you by the personnel service of a law enforcement agency if you successfully pass the interview and after providing two 3x4 color photographs.

If you would like to familiarize yourself in advance with the procedure for passing the military medical commission, it is established by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of November 2, 2020 No. 758.

Information about the necessary documents is in paragraphs 10 and 37 of the Rules attached to the order.

QUESTION: Under what program (category) do I take testing for knowledge of legislation and assessment of personal qualities in the Department of Civil Service Affairs?

Answer: The programs depend on the category of position for which they plan to hire a graduate of initial professional training. This category is indicated in the announcement of the beginning of the selection (published on the websites of law enforcement agencies).

As a rule, a test for knowledge of legislation is taken under the “1 Law Enforcement Activity” program, and an assessment of personal qualities is taken under the “2 Law Enforcement Activity” program.

More information about this can be found in the order of the Chairman of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption of September 20, 2016 No. 1.

QUESTION: Is it necessary to live in the Academy dormitory? Family circumstances do not allow me (parents, children, etc.).

Answer: Definitely. For all students of initial professional training, accommodation in the Academy dormitory is a mandatory condition. No exceptions, regardless of the circumstances.

Clause 49 of the Rules for selection for initial professional training and the conditions for its completion for persons entering service in the prosecutor’s office, the anti-corruption service and the economic investigation service, as well as the grounds for their exclusion from initial professional training, approved by the Joint Order of the Prosecutor General of June 26, 2020 No. 80, Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency dated June 29, 2020 No. 199 and the Minister of Finance dated July 14, 2020 No. 675.

QUESTION: What is the amount of the scholarship?

Answer: Currently the scholarship amount is 40,532 tenge per month. It is established by government decree.

Important: answers to some questions are not within the competence of the Academy and are presented here for informational purposes only. For more accurate and detailed information, we recommend contacting the relevant authorized bodies.