Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines


Head of the Department

Class rank: Senior Adviser of Justice

Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: candidate of political sciences, associate professor

Experience in scientific and pedagogical work: 25 years

Topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “Kazakstan kogamyndagy otpeli kezenindegi zhangyru sayasaty” (specialty: 23.00.02: political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies).

Area of scientific interests: Religious and political extremism.

Scientific works: author of more than 60 scientific and scientific-methodological works, including 5 textbooks on political science and religious studies (in the state language).

Disciplines taught in master’s and doctoral studies:

– The problems of counteraction to religious and political extremism.




Class rank: State Counselor of Justice, 3rd class.

Area of scientific interests: Organizational activities in law enforcement; problems of countering religious and political extremism.

Awards: Order “Dank” 2nd degree, medal “Eren Enbegi Ushin”, badge “Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor’s Office”.

Disciplines taught in master’s and doctoral programs:

– Orgdanizational activity in the law enforcement service;

– The problems of counteraction to religious and political extremism.



Associate Professor

Class rank: Counselor of Justice

Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: candidate of philological sciences, associate professor.

Experience in scientific and pedagogical work: 27 years

Topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “Kazak tilindegi sozzhasamdyk tizbekter (bir buyndy salt etistikter negizinde zhasalgan sozzhasamdyk uyalar)” (specialty: 02/10/02: Kazakh language).

Area of scientific interests: linguistics, legal linguistics, teaching methods.

Scientific works: author of more than 90 scientific works, including 2 textbooks, 2 teaching aids, 6 manuals – 2 of them co-authored, 1 electronic textbook, 1 anthology and more than 85 scientific articles.

Disciplines taught in master’s and doctoral studies:

– Academic writing and research desing;

– Culture of a manager’s oral and written speech;

– Language competence of law enforcement officers;

– Modern pedagogical technologies.



Associate Professor

Class rank: Counselor of Justice

Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: Master of Law

Experience in scientific and pedagogical work: 24 years

Topic of the master’s thesis: “Adam ūrlau: zertteudıñ kriminologialyq aspektısı”

Area of scientific interests: legal linguistics, linguistics, teaching methods.

Scientific works: author of more than 30 scientific works, including 4 educational and methodological manuals – 3 of them co-authored, 1 electronic textbook and more than 30 scientific articles.

Disciplines taught in the master’s program:

– Organization of scientific research.



Senior Lecturer

Class rank: 1st class lawyer.

Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences.

Experience in scientific and pedagogical work: 21 years.

Topic of the master’s thesis: “Şetel tılın oqytudyñ psiholingvistikalyq aspektılerı (Qarjy polisiasy akademiasynyñ tyñdauşylaryna «Ağylşyn tılı» pänınıñ materialynda)”

Area of scientific interests: linguistics, psycholinguistics, legal linguistics, teaching methods.

Scientific works: author of 20 scientific works, including 1 textbook, 1 teaching aids, 1 reference collection – of which 1 co-authored, 1 electronic textbook and more than 16 scientific articles.

Disciplines taught in the master’s program:

– Foreing language (professional);

– Pedagogy of higher education;

– University teaching methodology.



Senior Lecturer

Class rank: Counselor of Justice

Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: Master of Law

Experience in scientific and pedagogical work: 21 years

Topic of the master’s thesis: “Historical and legal analysis of tax crimes.”

Area of scientific interests: jurisprudence, legal issues of entrepreneurial activity, legal regulation of financial relations, management

Scientific works: author of more than 30 scientific works

Disciplines taught in the master’s program:

– Actual problems of business activity;

– Modern issues of legal regulation of financial relations;

– Management.




Class rank: Junior Counselor of Justice.

Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences.

Topic of the master’s thesis: “Modern psychological and pedagogical methods for identifying addictive behavior among candidates entering the internal affairs department” (specialty: 06.29.23: educational psychologist).

Area of scientific interests: Legal psychology, management psychology.

Scientific works: 2 scientific articles.

Disciplines taught in the master’s program:

– Pedagogy of higher education;

– University teaching methodology;

– Psychology of management.