Management of the Institute of Postgraduate Education


Director of the Institute

Class rank: Senior Justice Adviser

Scientific degree, scientific title, academic degree: Candidate of Legal Sciences

Experience of scientific and pedagogical work: 10 years

The topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “Constitutional and legal protection of women’s rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan” (specialty: 12.00.02: constitutional law, administrative law, financial law, municipal law).

Research interests: constitutional law, administrative law, administrative activity, financial law, problematic issues of prevention of domestic violence, offenses among minors and protection of their rights.

Scientific works: He has about 60 scientific papers, including textbooks: “Workshop on administrative law” (rus. and kaz. lang.), “Financial law” (rus. and kaz. lang.)”, “Handbook of the district police inspector” and “Problems of the application of administrative legislation in the activities of law enforcement agencies”.

Disciplines taught in Master’s and doctoral studies:

– The problems of implementation of administrative legislation in the activities of law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan

– The problems of prevention of domestic violence



Deputy Director of the Institute-Head of the Department

Class rank: Senior Justice Adviser

Scientific degree, scientific title, academic degree:Master of Law Degree

Experience of work: She has been in law enforcement for more than 30 years

Research interests: issues of staffing law enforcement activities

Field of activity: organization of work on regulatory and educational support of educational activities, as well as work with undergraduates and doctoral students