In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 4, 2015 No. 15, one of the main activities of Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Academy) is the implementation of postgraduate education programs.
The implementation of postgraduate education in master’s and doctoral degree programs for law enforcement officers is carried out by the Institute of Postgraduate Education of Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – the Institute).
The structure of the Institute includes the following divisions:
1) management of educational and methodical work;
2) department of Social and humanitarian Disciplines;
3) department of general legal disciplines;
4) department of special legal disciplines.
At the Academy, postgraduate education is carried out in the master’s and doctoral programs in the educational programs “Jurisprudence” and “Law Enforcement”.
– scientific and pedagogical, with a training period of at least two years;
– profile – with a training period of at least one year
– scientific and pedagogical, with a training period of at least three years
– profile – with a training period of at least three years, including distance learning
In 2019, admission to the profile magistracy was carried out for the first time, in 2022 to the profile doctorate.
Since 2020, training has been introduced according to the educational program of a specialized master’s degree with distance learning, since 2022 – a specialized doctoral program, including distance learning.
Since 2020, the state educational order has been increased from 50 to 70 places.
Upon completion of their studies, undergraduates are awarded the degrees of “Master of National Security and Military Affairs” (Law Enforcement) or “Master of Legal Sciences” (Jurisprudence) and are issued appropriate state-issued diplomas.
The educational programs of the doctoral program are aimed at training personnel for scientific, pedagogical and (or) professional activities, with the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
In 2022, the first set of specialized doctoral studies was carried out under the educational program “Law Enforcement“, including distance learning, with the award of the degree of Doctor of National Security and Military Affairs.
Currently, 149 law enforcement officers are studying at the Academy, including 97 people in the master’s program in the scientific and pedagogical direction, 18 in the profile, including 10 – distance learning), 34 in the doctoral program, including 7 – distance learning).
All academic disciplines of postgraduate education are aimed at mastering students’ scientific, pedagogical and managerial competencies that meet the requirements. Dublin descriptors of the second and third levels of higher education and are focused on the needs of practical activities, taking into account the recommendations of law enforcement agencies.
To develop and consolidate the practical skills of undergraduates and doctoral students, taking into account the content of the discipline, practitioners from other departments of the Academy, as well as from law enforcement, judicial, state bodies and other organizations are invited to classes, field classes are held.
Along with teaching professional and scientific skills, within the framework of the project – University of Culture, students are instilled with knowledge about various phenomena of modern culture (etiquette, art, culture of family life and everyday life), aimed at forming appropriate general cultural competencies.
The educational process in the master’s and doctoral studies is provided by a full-time teaching staff of 27 units, including 1 doctor of sciences, 12 candidates of sciences, 6 PhD doctors, 7 masters.
The teaching staff of the Institute is highly professional in the educational field, most of them have practical experience in law enforcement.
Since the establishment of the Academy, the Institute has trained 457 law enforcement officers, including 339 undergraduates and 62 doctoral students.
Confirmation of the quality of training of students is the passage in 2017 of the state certification of the Ministry of Education and Science, according to the results of which the approaches of postgraduate education were recognized as conforming to state standards.
In January 2019, the Academy’s activities and educational programs of postgraduate education were accredited by an Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education for a period of 5 years.
In May 2023, the Academy successfully passed the state certification, the educational activities of the master’s and doctoral studies of the Academy were recognized as meeting the requirements of the State Mandatory Standard of Postgraduate Education and certified for a period of five years.