Center for the Study of Criminal Policy and Criminology

Zhizhis Stanislav Alfonsasovich

Head of the center

Senior Adviser of Justice

Experience in scientific and pedagogical work: since 2018

Achievements: awarded departmental awards from the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Area of scientific interests: criminal and criminal procedure legislation

Research activities: member of the author’s team of scientific research on the topic: “Formation of scientifically based approaches to the definition of the concept of “privacy”, “Countering financial pyramids”, “Legal status of the prosecutor in Kazakhstan and the CIS countries: comparative legal analysis.” Member of the Interdepartmental Working Group for the Audit of the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Tusip Tolegen Amantayuly

Chief Researcher

Senior Adviser of Justice

Research experience: since 2019

Achievements: awarded departmental awards from the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Included on the Academy’s Honor Board in 2023.

Area of scientific interests: criminal and criminal procedural legislation, criminal executive law.

Research activities: “Study of the reasons for the increase in criminal offenses committed in the family and household sphere, as well as the problems of preventing their causes and conditions of commission”, “Analysis of the commission of serious and especially serious crimes and their prevention.”

Co-author of the monographs “Increasing guarantees for the protection of citizens’ rights in criminal proceedings”, “Criminalization/decriminalization of forms of domestic violence: beatings, intentional infliction of minor harm to health”,

“Forms of pre-trial investigation: problems and development trends”, “Institute of Financial Investigations in Kazakhstan”. As part of the team of authors, he took part in the development of “Methodological recommendations for criminal cases on the return of stolen assets.”


Kulmukhanbetova Bibigul Amanzholovna

Chief Researcher

Senior Adviser of Justice

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of Law, Master of Arts (MA in CDCS, University of Warwick, UK)

Experience in scientific and pedagogical work: 26 years.

Achievements: Defense of a dissertation on the topic “Property penalties in the criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan” with the awarding of the academic degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences by the Committee for Control in the field of education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in specialty 12.00.08 – criminal law and criminology; criminal-executive law at the Dissertation Council of Maqsut Narikbayev University (Astana, 2005).

Recognition by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation of the scientific degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan equivalent to the scientific degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences of the Russian Federation (Moscow, 2007).

Assignment of the academic title of Associate Professor of Law (Astana, 2010) by the Committee for Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Accreditation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a subject of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities (Astana, 2015).

Award of the International Scholarship “Bolashak” (2015).

She graduated with honors from the University of Warwick Master’s Degree in Career Development Coaching with a Master of Arts qualification (Coventry, UK, 2019). Master’s thesis on the topic “Labor Market Transitions Amongst Police Officers in Kazakhstan.”

She has completed training in more than 20 advanced training courses, including at the Qingjiang Police College of the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China on issues of law enforcement and decision-making (Urumqi, China, 2013), and the University of Reading in the English for Academic Study program (Reading, UK , 2017), OSCE on identification of beneficiaries using modern tools for information analysis and interagency cooperation to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism AML/CFT (Astana, Kazakhstan, 2020), Secretariat of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (Astana, Kazakhstan, 2022 ) to combat the forgery of travel documents.

Area of scientific interests: criminal law and criminology, criminal enforcement law; law enforcement; development of human resources.

Research activities:

Author of more than 60 works, including co-authored Commentary on the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, textbooks on criminal law and criminology, scientific articles published in a number of specialized publications (including in journals recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and higher education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and included in the Scopus and RSCI databases).

Author of the “Creating a New Career” training course on promoting employment for employees leaving law enforcement agencies.


Seytkasimova Indira Nurdildinovna

Chief Researcher

Senior Adviser of Justice

Scientific work experience since 2021.

Achievements: awarded departmental awards from the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Area of scientific interests: criminal, criminal executive and criminal procedural legislation.

Research activities: criminological forecasting of regional crime; improving legislation to combat drug crime and drug use; return of assets illegally removed from the country.


Zhusupova Zada Temirkanatovna

Leading Researcher

Counselor of Justice

Research experience: since 2020

Achievements: awarded anniversary medals and departmental awards from the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Area of scientific interests: criminal law and criminology, criminal enforcement law; law enforcement

Research activities: co-author of the monographs “Punishment in Criminal Law”, “Torture: Problematic Issues of Criminal Law and Procedural Settlement in Penitentiary Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”


Aimukhambetova Kamilya Murzabaevna

Leading Researcher

Junior Counselor of Justice

Master of Laws

Research experience: since 2016


Master’s degree at the Ural State Law University (Ekaterinburg, 2019), passed nostrification in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019.

She was awarded departmental awards from the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Area of scientific interests: civil law, labor law, land law.

Research activities: was a member of the team of authors on scientific research topics: “Combating corruption in new economic conditions”, “Criminological characteristics and prevention of murders: current state and forecast”, “Countering financial pyramids”, “Personality of the criminal: criminological research”, “Criminological aspects of preventing crimes against the sexual integrity of minors” and “Features of qualification and investigation of mass riots.”


Mirzalimova Ramilya Abletipovna

Senior Researcher

Counselor of Justice

Candidate of Legal Sciences

Experience in scientific and pedagogical work: from 2009 to 2022

Disciplines taught: criminal law, criminology

Achievements: awarded departmental awards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Dissertation: “Prevention of crimes in the field of issuance and circulation of securities: criminal legal and criminological aspects” (2010)

Area of scientific interests: criminal law, criminology, law enforcement.

Research activities: “Some issues of improving the Industry Crime Prevention Program in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 – 2013”, “Prospects for improving the traffic police of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the analysis of foreign experience”, “Strategic planning in the Department of Internal Affairs”, “Rationale and calculation methods the burden of ensuring public order on the streets and public places on combat units of the patrol police,” Handbook of Inspector of Environmental and Veterinary Police.


Shegebaeva Aigerim Rysbaevna

Senior Researcher

Counselor of Justice

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Laws

Experience in scientific and pedagogical work: 13 years.


Defense of the dissertation on the topic “Qazaqstannyñ qylmystyq-qūqyqtyq saiasatynda jeke ömırge qolsūğylmauşylyq qūqyğyn qamtamasyz etu” with the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Committee for Control in the field of education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in specialty 6D030 300 – law enforcement activities in the Dissertation Council of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov (Karaganda, 2016) .

Completed training in more than 10 advanced training courses, including participation in online seminars with the participation of women employees of law enforcement, judicial and prosecutor’s offices of the states of Kazakhstan, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan on the topic “Women’s leadership in the criminal justice sector » International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) Budapest.

Area of scientific interests: criminal law and criminology, criminal enforcement law; law enforcement activities.

Research activities:

Author of more than 30 works, including co-authored textbooks on criminal law and criminology, scientific articles, published in a number of specialized publications (including in journals recommended by the Committee for Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and included in the Scopus database).