Shakarimov Adlet Salimkhanovich
Head of the center
Senior Counselor of Justice
Research experience: since 2019
Achievements: departmental medals and awards from the financial police and prosecutor’s office, certificate of honor from the Rector of the Academy in 2020.
Area of scientific interests: criminal procedure, criminal law, rule-making, enforcement proceedings
Research activities:
author of scientific works «On the latency of economic crimes», «On differentiation of the amount of damage for tax crimes», «On medical crimes», «Consideration of citizens’ appeals, the beginning and implementation of a pre-trial investigation into raiding», «Differentiation of criminal offenses from management errors», «Evidence in criminal cases regarding the return of assets»;
co-author of the monographs «Issues of strengthening the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and their legitimate interests», «Strengthening guarantees for the protection of the rights of citizens in criminal proceedings»
Sagymbekov Bakhytzhan Zhasamuratovich
Chief Researcher
Counselor of Justice
Master of Laws (LLM, USA)
Achievements: Fellow of the Bolashak program, Co-author of the scientific and practical manual «Criminological characteristics and prevention of murders: current status and forecast»; Co-author of Methodological Recommendations for the investigation of criminal cases of torture based on the standards of the Istanbul Protocol. Published more than 20 scientific articles (including 3 articles in English).
Awarded a Letter of Gratitude in 2016, a Certificate of Honor in 2017. Included on the Academy’s Honor Board.
Area of scientific interests: international law, criminal law and procedure, administrative law.
Research activities: «Combating corruption in new economic conditions», «Countering the illegal withdrawal of capital», «Narrowing the scope of the death penalty», «Improving methods for combating cyber fraud, cyber crime and ensuring information security». «Issues of strengthening the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs».
Serdalinov Kurganbek Magzhanovich
Chief Researcher
Counselor of Justice
Experience in scientific and pedagogical work: since 2016
Achievements: Awarded departmental awards from the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a letter of gratitude in 2017. Included on the Academy’s Honor Board in 2022.
Area of scientific interests: criminal law and criminal procedure
Participation in research: «Improving interaction between law enforcement agencies and non-governmental organizations in countering terrorism and extremism»; «Combating corruption in new economic conditions»; «Criminological characteristics and prevention of murders: current state and forecast».
Co-author of educational and practical manuals «Criminological characteristics and prevention of murders: current state and forecast», «Combating corruption in new economic conditions», commentary on the Law: «On Combating Corruption».
Research activities: scientific research on the topic: «Theoretical aspects of the institution of financial investigations in Kazakhstan».
Belgibaev Baglan Yesenbaevich
Chief Researcher
Senior Counselor of Justice
Research experience: since 2023.
Master of Law: in 2018 he graduated from the master’s program at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dissertation – «Problems of combating the financing of terrorism.»
Achievements: awarded anniversary, departmental medals and awards from the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Area of scientific interests: criminal law and criminal procedure.
Scientific research activities: scientific research on the topic: «On some issues of organizing a pre-trial investigation under Article 216 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.»
3 scientific articles published.
Temirov Serzhan Rakhmettolinovich
Leading Researcher
Senior Counselor of Justice
Research experience: since 2024
Achievements: awarded anniversary, departmental medals and awards of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a badge for services to the Pavlodar region.
Research activity: member of the author’s team of scientific research on the topic: «On some issues of the organization of pre–trial investigation under Article 216 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan».
Research interests: criminal and criminal procedure legislation.
A scientific article on the topic «Three-tier model of criminal procedure» has been published.
Akhmetov Aibek Tyutebaevich
Leading Researcher
Junior Counselor of Justice
Master of Laws
Research experience: since 2017
Achievements: awarded departmental awards from the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a certificate of honor from the rector of the Law Enforcement Academy.
Area of scientific interests: criminal and criminal procedure legislation
Co-author of 5 textbooks entitled: «Prosecutor’s Office in Foreign Countries», «Shetel Memleketterindegi Prokuratura», «Judicial Systems of Foreign Countries», «Yabanci develetlerin savciligi» (in Turkish), «Le parquet etats etrangers» (in French) ( co-authored). Co-author of the monograph «Punishment in Criminal Law».
Co-author of the monographs: «Punishment in criminal law», «Qylmystyq quqyqtagy zhaza», «The status of the prosecutor’s office in the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States», «Tauelsiz memleketter dostastygyna qatysushy elderdegi prokuratura martebesi».
Nubaeva Gulmira Galymovna
Senior Researcher
Counselor of Justice
Candidate of Legal Sciences
Research experience: 12 years
Achievements: Defense of a dissertation on the topic: Forensic support for the investigation of crimes related to violent acts of a sexual nature (Article 121 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan), with the awarding of the scientific degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences by the Committee for Control in the field of education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in specialty 12.00.09 – criminal procedure; criminology and forensic examination; operational investigative activities in the Dissertation Council of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, 2010).
Area of scientific interests: criminal procedure, criminology, forensic examination and operational investigative activities.
Research activities:
1) Educational and practical manual «Methodology for investigating violent acts of a sexual nature (under Article 121 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan)» / G. Nubaeva. – Publishing house: printing house of the Military Institute of NG of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Petropavlovsk: 2014, 150 p. (9.3 p.l.)
2) Educational and methodological manual «Military Law» Publisher: Pavlodar: EKO, 2015 – 294 pp., co-authored by Seytbekov O.Zh., Mityaev A.I. (18.4p.l.)
3) Forensic support of pre-trial investigation of violent acts of a sexual nature (under Article 121 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan): monograph / G. Nubaeva. – Ust-Kamenogorsk: publishing house «Berel» of EKSU named after S. Amanzholov, 2019. – 158 p. (9.8 p.l.)
4) Scientific articles – more than 20 scientific articles.
Mukataev Talgat Maratovich
Senior Researcher
Counselor of Justice
Research experience: since 2017
Achievements: Awarded anniversary medals of the Republic of Kazakhstan,» departmental awards from the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, diplomas of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5 scientific articles were published, took part in 5 scientific studies, 3 independent applied studies were conducted.
Area of scientific interests: studying the issues of conducting covert investigative actions and operational investigative activities; studying issues of international cooperation in criminal matters.
Research activities: Is a member of the interstate interdepartmental scientific research on the topic: «Information technologies (artificial intelligence) in the activities of the prosecutor’s offices of the CIS member states».
Makhanov Talgat Gabitovich
Senior Researcher
Counselor of Justice
Research experience: 8 years
Achievements: a methodology has been developed for predicting individual criminal behavior based on discriminant analysis using the SPSS package, Methodology for analyzing situations in the field of consideration of appeals (co-authored).
Participation in research: «Methodology for calculating procedural costs of pre-trial investigation»; express research «On the feasibility of the existence of an institute of voluntary organizations of prisoners in the penal system of Kazakhstan».
Co-author of the review «Crime prevention through criminological forecasting (using the example of West Kazakhstan region)».
Area of scientific interests: criminal law, corruption crime, sentencing.
Research activities: scientific research on the topic: «Methodology for calculating procedural costs of pre-trial investigation».