Regulation on the Institute

Appendix No. 3
to the order of the Rector of the Academy
of Law Enforcement Agencies
at the Prosecutor General
‘s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated March 6, 2024 No. 28

about the Interdepartmental Research Institute
Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies
under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1. General provisions

1. The Interdepartmental Research Institute of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – IRI, Academy, Prosecutor General’s Office) is an independent structural unit of the Academy.
2. In its activities, the IRI is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Prosecutor’s Office”, the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Law Enforcement Service”, “On Science” and other legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organizational and administrative acts of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – the Prosecutor General), the Charter and Regulations of the Academy, orders and orders of the Rector of the Academy, as well as these Regulations.
3. The structure and staffing of the Institute are determined by the Prosecutor General on the recommendation of the Rector of the Academy in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. The IRI consists of:
Center for the Coordination of Research and Study of Law Enforcement Issues (1st Center);
Center for the Study of Problems of Criminal Procedure (2nd Center);
Center for the Study of Problems in the field of protection of public interests (3rd Center);
The Center for the Study of Problems of Criminal Policy and Criminology (4th Center).

2. Tasks, rights and obligations of the Institute

5. Tasks of the Institute:
— coordination of interdepartmental scientific research in the field of law enforcement, including through the Internet resource “Zertteushi” and other IT products and solutions;
— conducting scientific research in the field of law enforcement (on the study of problems of law enforcement; criminal procedure; in the field of protection of public interests; criminal policy and criminology);
— implementation and organization of the promotion of paid services within the competence of the Institute.
6. The rights and obligations of the employees of the Institute.
In accordance with the legislation and organizational and administrative acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy, employees of the IRI
have the right to::
participate in meetings with the leadership of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Rector of the Academy, heads of structural divisions of the Academy, as well as organized and held in government agencies and non-governmental organizations on issues related to the activities of the Institute;
to request and receive, in accordance with the established procedure, information and materials from the structural divisions of the Academy necessary for the performance of assigned tasks and functions;
to request and receive, in accordance with the procedure established by law, information and materials from state bodies, organizations and institutions on issues related to the activities of the Academy;
to make proposals on improving legislation, organizing the work of the Academy and other bodies and institutions of the Prosecutor’s Office;
to publish, in accordance with the established procedure, the results of scientific research in departmental publications of the Prosecutor General’s Office, other law enforcement, state and judicial bodies;
to participate in accordance with the established procedure in international and scientific conferences, seminars, round tables, etc.;
to exercise powers related to the provision of paid services in accordance with the procedure approved by the Prosecutor General;
for professional retraining, advanced training and internship in accordance with the procedure established by law;
to exercise other powers provided for by law;
They are obliged to:
efficiently and timely perform the tasks and functions assigned to the Institute in accordance with the current legislation and this Regulation;
to carry out activities within the limits of the powers granted and in accordance with official duties;
strictly comply with the requirements of legislation, acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy in the performance of the tasks and functions assigned to the Institute;
within the competence to take measures to eliminate and prevent further violations of the rule of law;
to keep state secrets and other legally protected secrets;
to exercise other powers provided for by regulatory legal acts, legal acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy.

7. The differentiation of the competence of the IRI centers according to the subject-zonal principle is regulated by official (official) duties.
8. Functions of the IRI:
1) coordination and planning of the research activities of the Institute;
2) monitoring of law enforcement practice in order to identify relevant research topics;
3) support of the activities of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Academy;
4) observation, collection, generalization, analysis, evaluation, registration of data on ongoing interdepartmental scientific research;
5) ensuring interdepartmental cooperation in matters of scientific research activities of the Academy;
6) development of common approaches and methodology for conducting interdepartmental scientific research;
7) the formation of a database of relevant research papers, the introduction of accounting for interdepartmental scientific research;
8) participation in the development of legal acts in the field of law enforcement, their monitoring;
9) formation of author teams and development of work plans for interdepartmental scientific research;
10) performing research work in the field of law enforcement;
11) approbation of the results of research work in law enforcement practice and the educational process, in accordance with the procedure established by law, legal acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy;
12) participation in the scientific support of the activities of law enforcement agencies by conducting express analyses and developing scientific and legal positions;
13) organization and participation in regional, national and international conferences, departmental and interdepartmental meetings, seminars, round tables and training programs conducted by domestic and foreign universities, scientific organizations and institutions;
14) preparation and publication of scientific articles, including in journals with non-zero impact factor;
15) development, coordination, organization of expertise and state registration of draft acts, within the competence of the IRI;
16) implementation of paid types of services, search for potential customers of services, goods and works related to scientific research;
17) interaction with the structural divisions of the Academy on the provision of paid services;
18) making proposals to improve the provision of paid services.

3. Organization of the activities of the Institute

9. The IRI has the powers necessary for the implementation of its main tasks and functions, in accordance with legislative acts, acts of the President, other normative legal acts, orders, orders, instructions of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy.
10. The Institute is headed by a vice-rector-director, appointed and dismissed by the Prosecutor General in accordance with the procedure established by law.
11. The Vice-Rector-Director carries out the general management of the activities of the Institute and is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Institute and the exercise of its functions. During the absence of the Vice-rector-director of the IRI, his duties are performed by a person determined in accordance with the approved order of the Rector of the Academy, the distribution of responsibilities among the senior officials of the Academy.
12. The Vice-Rector-Director submits proposals to the Rector of the Academy on the structure and staffing of the Institute.
13. For these purposes, the Vice-Rector is the Director:
1) determines the powers of his deputy, the heads of the centers and the employees of the Institute;
2) organizes and coordinates the work of the IRI, ensures the interaction of the IRI with the Prosecutor General’s Office, its departments and institutions, structural divisions of the Academy, regional prosecutor’s offices and equivalent central state bodies;
3) organizes and ensures control over the execution of orders, instructions, orders, instructions of the Prosecutor General, the Rector of the Academy, decisions of the collegial bodies of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Academy, staff and operational meetings with the Prosecutor General and the Rector on issues related to the competence of the Institute;
4) holds operational meetings on the work of the IRI, distributes received materials and appeals among the employees of the IRI, gives them instructions in accordance with their functional responsibilities;
5) organizes the preparation of materials for the certification of employees of the Institute, evaluates their work;
6) carries out the selection and placement of personnel in the IRI, provides subordinate employees and employees with appropriate working conditions;
7) submits proposals to the Rector of the Academy on awarding a class rank, class qualifications, encouragement or disciplinary measures to the staff of the Institute;
8) ensures that the employees of the IRI comply with performance, service and labor discipline, and is personally responsible for them;
9) exercise other powers in accordance with laws, acts of the President, orders of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy.
14. Deputy Director of the Moscow Research Institute:
1) coordinates the activities of the IRI and its structural divisions within the limits of its powers;
2) is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him and the exercise of his functions;
3) during the absence of the Vice-rector-Director, carries out general management of the activities of the Institute;
4) makes proposals to the vice-rector-director on the selection of personnel, the distribution of responsibilities among the staff of the Institute, the assignment of a class rank, encouragement, and disciplinary responsibility;
5) ensures the preparation of materials for the certification of employees of the Institute, evaluates their work;
6) holds operational meetings on issues of supervised areas, distributes received materials and appeals among the staff of the Institute, gives them instructions in accordance with their functional responsibilities;
7) plans the work of the structural divisions of the Institute;
8) ensures and monitors the execution of control orders of the Presidential Administration, the Security Council, planned activities of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Academy, orders, instructions, orders, instructions and fixations of the Prosecutor General, the Rector of the Academy, the Vice-Rector-Director, including work programs and calendar plans, decisions of collegial bodies of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Academy, staff and operational meetings with the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy, timely sending of information to other government agencies, on the following issues, related to the competence of the IRI;
9) signs official documentation within the scope of competence addressed to the Director of the Institute;
10) exercises other powers in accordance with laws, acts of the President, orders of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy, as well as those assigned to him by the Vice-rector-Director of the IRI.
15. Documents sent on behalf of the Institute to the leadership of the Academy and to other structural divisions of the Academy on issues within the competence of the Institute are signed by the Vice-rector of the Academy – the director of the Institute, and in case of absence – by his replacement.
16. The IRI reports directly to the Rector of the Academy, organizationally and functionally independently of other structural divisions and officials of the Academy.
17. General office work in the IRI is carried out in accordance with the Rules of documentation and documentation management in bodies, departments, institutions and educational organizations of the prosecutor’s office and organizational and administrative acts to ensure secrecy.