General information

The interdepartmental research institute was created on behalf of the President of the country and is designed to coordinate the research activities of law enforcement agencies in order to form a unified law enforcement practice, as well as increase the efficiency of work to strengthen law and order.

The Institute has 4 specialized centers, staffed by active practical employees of the prosecutor’s office with significant experience in various areas of prosecutorial supervision, as well as legal scholars.

Institute structure:

1) Center for Coordination of Research and Study of Law Enforcement Problems;

2) Center for the Study of Problems of Criminal Procedure;

3) Center for Research of Problems in the Field of Protection of Public Interests;

4) Center for the Study of Problems of Criminal Policy and Criminology.

The Institute carries out, within the established powers and assigned functions, the organization, coordination and conduct of fundamental and applied interdepartmental scientific research in the law enforcement field, as well as monitoring of interdepartmental scientific research conducted by departmental scientific institutions and educational organizations of law enforcement agencies.

The main objectives of the Interdepartmental Research Institute are:

— coordination of interdepartmental scientific research in the field of law enforcement;

— conducting scientific research in the field of law enforcement (to study the problems of law enforcement; criminal proceedings; in the field of protecting public interests; criminal policy and criminology);

— implementation, organization of promotion of paid types of services within the competence of the Institute.

Employees of the Institute take an active part in the development of conceptual documents, as well as in the preparation of bills in the field of combating corruption, transnational organized crime, human trafficking and many other topical issues of law enforcement practice.

The arsenal of methods of scientific knowledge used in scientific research is constantly expanding and updating. Scientific research is based on statistically reliable data from law enforcement practice and is aimed at its improvement and improvement.

The creative association of scientists and practitioners, who have coordinated their efforts in teams of authors, introduces a variety of elements of novelty into scientific research, which will make it possible to create a holistic, rather than fragmentary, idea of the phenomenon or process being studied.

The results of the preparation of scientific research will be presented in a wide range: collective and individual monographs, textbooks (electronic and printed), teaching aids, teaching aids, methodological recommendations, guidelines, analytical reports and reports, etc.

Currently, the Institute conducts fundamental and applied research, organizes scientific and practical conferences and round tables on current issues of law enforcement practice. Collections of teaching aids and recommendations are published.