Department of Criminal Prosecution and Operational Investigative Activities


Head of the Department

Class rank: Senior Justice Advisor

Education: Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov

Work experience: teaching — 4 years

Subjects taught: “Organization of pre-trial investigation and ORDO”, “Methods of detection and investigation of criminal offenses on organized forms of crime”

Work experience in this field: 25 years



Assistant professor

Academic degree, academic title: Candidate of Law

Experience in scientific and pedagogical activity: 14 years 8 months

Work experience: 29 years 6 months

Subjects taught:

— International cooperation;

— Using the possibilities of international information exchange tools (Karin, Egmont, Arin, etc.);

— Legalization (laundering) of money and (or) other property obtained by criminal means;

— The order of presentation for identification;

— The procedure for checking and clarifying indications on the spot, an investigative experiment;

— Anti-corruption monitoring;

— Prevention and resolution of conflicts of interest;

— Analysis of corruption risks;

— Financial control measures.


— Awarded the medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For impeccable service in the Department of Internal Affairs” of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees;

— Recipient of a grant from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to support young Kazakhstani scientists (2003);

— In 2006, she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty: 12.00.08 – Criminal law and criminology; penal enforcement law. Place of defense of the candidate’s thesis: KazGU named after Al-Farabi, Almaty. PhD thesis topic: “Victimological aspect of crimes against foreign citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan”;

— She was awarded the badge “Prokuratura uzdigi”.


— “Legal aspects of crimes committed by foreign citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan” // Law and Time. – 2001. — No. 6. – pp. 116 – 118;

— “Classification of victims of crimes” // Collection of materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference “XXI century: Problems of formation of a legal, democratic, secular and social state in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. – Almaty, 2002. – pp. 447-457;

— “The legal status of foreign citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan” // Themis. – 2002. — No. 9. – pp. 44-49;

— “Problems of studying the legal status of victims of crimes” // Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Faculty of Law of Kostanay State University. Baitursynova “Problems of the implementation of the norms of law”. – Kostanay, 2002. – pp. 155 – 157;

— “The essence and main directions of victimological prevention” // Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference: “Actual problems of combating crime at the present stage”. – Almaty: OONIIRR Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2003. – Part 2. – pp. 110 – 119;

— “Individual preventive work with potential victims of crime” // Economics and law of Kazakhstan. – 2003. — No. 22. – pp. 49-53;

— “Problems of general prevention of crime victims” // Bulletin of the D.A. Kunaev University. – 2003. — № 4 (9). – Pp. 107 – 110;

— “Countering migrant crime is one of the main factors in strengthening the security of Kazakhstan” // Prospects for the development of national legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the light of the Concept of Legal Policy for 2010-2020: International issues. scientific and practical conference – Karaganda: Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov, 2010. – 588 p., pp. 171-173;

— “Topical issues of legal regulation of pre-investigation verification” // 20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: achievements and development prospects: International issues. scientific and practical conference – Karaganda: Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov, 2011. Vol. 1. – pp. 303 – 308;

— “Nurly Zhol” — a legal path to a bright future // Khabarshi – Bulletin of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B.Beisenov. – 2015. — No. 3. – pp. 36-38;

— “Humanization of criminal legislation in the light of the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;

— “Problems of qualification and application of norms regulating responsibility for torture”;

— “Criminological characteristics of crimes committed against foreign citizens” // Science and life of Kazakhstan. International Popular Science Magazine. – 2016. — № 3(38). – Pp. 101 – 103;

— “The criminal legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Kazakhstan” // Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Bulletin of the Treasury. The series is legal. – 2016. — № 3(79). – Pp. 227-231;

— “Problems of interaction between non-governmental organizations and law enforcement, special state bodies during anti-terrorist operations” // Science and Life of Kazakhstan. International Popular Science Magazine. – 2017. — № 3/2(47). – Pp. 93-97;

— “Conditions for the effective use of video communication at the pre-trial stage” // Science and Life of Kazakhstan. International Popular Science Magazine. – 2017. — № 6 (50). – Pp. 214-218;

— “On the issue of improving the trial with the participation of jurors.” The article is aimed at publication in the Journal “Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University” recommended by the KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

— «The Legal Status of Consular and Diplomatic Services in the Provision of International Legal Assistance and Extradition» // Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Online ISSN: 1544-0044). – Volume 20, Issue 1, November, 2017. “The legal status of consular and diplomatic services in the provision of international legal assistance and extradition” // Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (Print ISSN: 1544-0036; Internet ISSN: 1544-0044). — Articles in issue: 1, Volume: 20, Month: November | Year of issue: 2017;

— Retrospective Review of Information Technologies in the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan // Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics Volume IX, Fall, 5(35): 1545 – 1550. DOI:10.14505/jarle.v9.5(35).05. Available from: “Retrospective of information technologies in criminal proceedings in Kazakhstan” (MBC Scopus) (Print ISSN: 2068-696X, Journal’s DOI: );

— “Prosecutor’s supervision over compliance with the law on rallies in the Internet information space” // Problems of strengthening law and order: science, practice, trends: collection of scientific tr. / State Institution. “Scientific and practical. the Center for Problems of strengthening the Rule of Law and the Rule of Law Gener. The Prosecutor’s Office of the Rep. Belarus” ; editorial board : V. V. Marchuk [et al.]. – Minsk : Publishing House of the BSU Center, 2020. – Vol. 13. – 411 p. – p. 321 – 327;

— “The use of informal methods of collecting and exchanging information in order to identify and solve crimes” // Z-12 The law and order is protected by the law and order in Ukraine, the problems of the nobility, the virishennya: mater. I. Minor of Sciences.-practical conference (Dnipro, 17 cherv. 2021 p.). Dnipro: VNPZ “Dnipro Humanitarian University”, 2021. 266 p. – pp.52-58.

— “National security of Kazakhstan at the present stage: a test of time”;

— “Conditions for the commission of crimes by minors” // The world of law. Legal scientific and practical journal – 2021. – № 11-12 (235-236). – Pp. 63-68;

— “Features of international cooperation on economic and corruption crimes” // Pre-trial investigation in Kazakhstan and Russia: problems and prospects: proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on May 26, 2023. – Kostanay: Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Sh. Kabylbayev, 2023. – 76 p. – pp. 28-31.

— “The use of artificial intelligence in the commission of criminal offenses” (The use of artificial intelligence in the commission of criminal offenses) // Concern for the rule of law and the prevention of malignity in Ukraine that at sviti: problems of the nobility of the virishennya : mater. III Minor of Sciences.-practical conference (Dnipro, 16 cherv. 2023 p.). Dnipro : VNPZ “Dnipro Humanitarian University”, 2023. 181 p. – pp. 33-35.

— «The use of psychological methods during interrogation

and the observation of the right to the impossibility of torture” (The use of psychological methods during interrogation and respect for the right to inadmissibility of torture) // LEGAL CHALLENGES OF THE GLOBALIZED WORLD: How should the law protect and realize rights?: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Dnipro, London, October 11th, 2023). Dnipro, London : Dnipro Humanitarian University, University of Roehampton, University of Westminster, 2023. 55 p. – pp. 17-19.

— “The role of innovations in improving the system of training scientific personnel of internal affairs bodies” // Improving the system of training scientific personnel of internal affairs bodies: a collection of materials from the round table (October 27, 2023). – Almaty: KR IIM M. Esbolatov atyndagi Almaty akademiyasynyn Gzzhrbzhub, 2023. – 120 b. — pp. 56-58.

— “On the issue of detection and investigation of terrorist and extremist crimes on the Internet” // Scientific journal “BULLETIN of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies” No. 4 (30) 2023. – pp.74 – 82.

— “The role of international organizations and agreements in the global strategy for preventing the legalization of criminal proceeds” // KHABARSHI — VESTNIK Magazine of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Barimbek Beisenov No. 4 (82) for 2023 December 31. – pp.154 – 158.

— “Peculiarities of conducting initial investigative actions in the commission of crimes related to violation of traffic rules in a state of intoxication” // Journal “Scientific Proceedings of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Almaty, 2023.

Area of scientific interests:

criminal, criminal procedure legislation, criminology.

Availability of certificates of advanced training, including international level in the following areas:

— Cybersecurity in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Challenges and Solutions;

— Socio-psychological conditions of personal growth;

— Innovative methods in the educational process of the European Union;

— Countering the legalization of criminal proceeds obtained through information and communication technologies;

— Effective investigation and documentation of torture and ill-treatment in accordance with the Istanbul Protocol;

— Countering the movement of assets abroad and their return to the countries of origin;

— Training for trainers: advanced level;

— Development of teaching skills;

— Criminalistics of official legal documents;

— Advanced training courses (Georgia);

— Features of the investigation of criminal cases of cybercrime using virtual assets;

— Training for cybercrime investigation trainers;

— Introduction to the investigation of cryptocurrencies and the darknet;

— The specifics of the disclosure and investigation of crimes related to extremist/terrorist activities;

— Raising awareness of prosecutors about cyber threats (SAR) and a seminar on the use of technology by terrorists (TUTW).

She took part in a regional seminar for heads of investigative departments of law enforcement agencies, representatives of the prosecutor’s office. The Republican seminar on anti-corruption education.

Research activities:

— Methodological recommendations on the organization of pre-trial investigation under Article 345-1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2020);

— Guidelines for the investigation of murders (2020);

— A textbook on the topic: “Victimological aspects of crime against foreign citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan” has been prepared for publication;

— Co-authored methodological recommendations for teachers of the Academy on conducting simulation training “Investigation of certain types of economic crimes” (2020).;

— Co-authored the methodological recommendations “Investigation of cybercrimes: from theory to practice” (2023);

— Co-authored methodological recommendations for teachers of the Academy “Guidelines for young teachers on the preparation of methodological materials” (2023);

— Co-authored methodological recommendations for conducting simulation training “Skills in investigating crimes of theft” (2024).

Since January 2024, he has been a member of the editorial board of the specialized scientific journal on legal sciences “Law and Society” of the Dnipropetrovsk Humanitarian University, Ukraine.

Other activities:

— participation in the preparation of a video about the simulation training “Investigation of certain types of economic crimes” (2020).

— implementation of scientific guidance for the preparation of master’s and doctoral theses.



Assistant professor

Class rank: Senior Adviser of Justice

Education: KarSU named after E.A. Buketova

Work experience: teaching – 1 year 5 months

Disciplines taught:

— Organization of pre-trial investigation

— Methods for identifying and investigating criminal offenses

Experience in the specified field: 22 years


Awarded a valuable gift by the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other departmental awards.


Article: “Comparative legal review of the norms on torture in the criminal legislation of foreign countries”: Collection of the international scientific and practical conference “AUBAKIR READINGS”, Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (02/19/2021)

Article: “Implementation of international legal norms on torture in the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan”: Collection of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of U.S. Seitova “DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN LEGAL SCIENCE: THEORY AND PRACTICE”, Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the State Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan (04/07/2023).

Scientific works: Dissertation on the topic: “Torture: criminal legal and criminological aspects”



Assistant professor

Class rank: Counselor of Justice

Education: higher, in 2005 graduated from the West Kazakhstan Agricultural and Technical University named after. Zhangir Khan, graduated from West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University in 2010

Experience in scientific and pedagogical activities: 4 years

Disciplines taught:

— “Operational investigative activities” (entire course);

— “Identification and investigation of crimes related to the theft of budget funds”;

— “Identification and investigation of crimes related to the illicit trafficking of oil and petroleum products”;

— “Violation of the procedure and rules for marking excisable goods with excise stamps and (or) accounting and control stamps, counterfeit and use of excise stamps and (or) accounting and control stamps”;

— “Organization of illegal gambling business”;

— “Issuing fictitious invoices”;

– “Unspoken investigative actions.”


— In 2014, included in the ABEKP pool of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Best Operational Officer.”

— In 2018, he was awarded the Chairman of the Financial Monitoring Committee and a certificate of honor “For Impeccable Service.”

— In 2022, he was awarded the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a diploma “For exemplary performance of official duties, for services to strengthening law and order, as well as for contribution to strengthening prosecutorial supervision.”

— Has a certificate from the OSCE, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the US Embassy and other organizations.

— Has a certificate from the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan for completing advanced training courses on the topic “Development of teaching skills.”

— Has a certificate from the ID GROUP Academy of Management and Entrepreneurship for completing advanced training courses on the topic “Training for trainers: advanced level.”

— Has a certificate from the Charisma Training and Development Center for completing advanced training courses on the topic “Mastery of a Trainer-Teacher.”

— Has a certificate from the Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for completing advanced training courses on the topic “Pedagogical sheberlik mektebi.”

Area of scientific interests: operational-search activities; covert investigative actions; identification and investigation of offenses in the economic and financial sphere.

Research activities:

— 2018 “Methodological recommendations for identifying offenses in the field of illegal trafficking of oil and petroleum products.”

— 2018 “Methodological recommendations for identifying offenses in the field of illicit trafficking in alcoholic beverages.”

— 2021 “Simulation training “Identification and investigation of economic crimes.”

— 2023 Methodological recommendations for students of initial professional training on the topic: “Organization of operational investigative activities aimed at identifying economic crimes.”



Assistant professor

Class rank: Senior Adviser of Justice

Education: Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Work experience: teaching – 2 years 5 months

Disciplines taught:

“Methodology for identifying and investigating bribery”, “Features of investigating abuse of power”, “Features of investigating abuse of power or official authority”, “Planning a pre-trial investigation”, “Conducting a search and seizure”, “Making submissions to eliminate violations of the law in accordance with Art. 200 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”

Experience in law enforcement: 28.7 years


— awarded the medal of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Anti-Corruption “Minsiz Kyzmeti Ushin” of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree;

— anniversary badge “Kazakstan Karzhy polisiasyna “15 zhyl”;

— 04/06/2016 was rewarded with a one-time cash reward in the amount of 5 salaries and a certificate “Best Investigator of the Anti-Corruption Service”;

– for achieving high results in investigative work, she was repeatedly rewarded (gratitude, certificate of honor, monetary reward) by orders of the heads of the tax police, financial police, national anti-corruption bureau and anti-corruption service;

– has certificates from the Academy of Financial Police of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the State Police of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the OSCE, the US Embassy, the US FBI,

Area of scientific interests: criminal and criminal procedure legislation.



Senior Lecturer

Class rank: Counselor of Justice

Education: Kazakh State Law University

Work experience: teaching – 2 years

Disciplines taught: “Organization of pre-trial investigation”, “Methods of identifying and investigating criminal offenses”

Experience in the specified field: 23 years

Achievements: Awarded a diploma from the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other departmental awards.



Senior Lecturer

Class rank: Senior Adviser of Justice

Education: higher, graduated in 2002 from the Institute of Management and Law of the West Kazakhstan University of Engineering and Technology

Experience in scientific and pedagogical activities: 2 months

Disciplines taught:

Organization of pre-trial investigation and operational investigation

Experience in the specified field: 22 years


— Awarded departmental awards from the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

— Has a certificate from the regional center for advanced training and retraining of civil servants of the Atyrau region for participation in a seminar on the topic: “Budget programming and budget policy” (2007).

— Has a certificate from the Institute for Advanced Training of Personnel of Prosecutor’s Offices, Studying Problems of Law and Order under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after S. Eskaraev on completing advanced training courses on the topic: “Issues of ensuring the legality of the operational investigative activities of criminal prosecution bodies” (2007).

— Has a certificate from the Institute for Advanced Training of Personnel of Prosecutor’s Offices, Studying Problems of Law and Order under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after S. Eskaraev on completing advanced training courses on the topic: “The concept of legal policy and the goal of strengthening prosecutorial supervision in the socio-economic sphere” (2010) .

— Has a certificate from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime for participation in a seminar on the topic: “International cooperation for the purpose of identifying, arresting, confiscating and returning proceeds from crime” (2015).

— Has a certificate from the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for participation in a seminar on the topic: “Individual communications to the UN human rights treaty bodies: procedure for consideration and implementation of decisions” (2015).

— Has a certificate from the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan on completing advanced training courses on the topic: “Modern approaches in the activities of law enforcement agencies” (2016).

— Has a certificate from the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan for participation in training on the topic: “Leader in a modern organization” (2017).

— Has a certificate from the Turkish Academy of Justice for participation in an international colloquium on the topic: “The fight against terrorism and organized crime” (2019).



Senior Lecturer

Class rank: Junior Counselor of Justice

Education: higher, graduated from the Kazakh Humanitarian and Law University named after M. Narikbayev in 2013

Experience in scientific and pedagogical activities: 2 months

Disciplines taught:

— “Features of qualification of the suspect’s act”;

— “The end of the investigation is the termination of the pre-trial investigation. Foundations and types”;

— “Features of investigation of official forgery”;

— “Features of investigation of inaction on duty and negligence”;

— “Features of the investigation of fraud, misappropriation or embezzlement of entrusted property of others”;

— “Features of the investigation of provocation of crimes, falsification of evidence and operational-search, counterintelligence materials, concealment of a criminal offense, making a deliberately unjust decision.”


— In 2022, by order of the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency, for the conscientious performance of duties and achieving high results in the investigation of a criminal case that caused a public outcry, he was awarded the next title of “Major of the Anti-Corruption Service” ahead of schedule;

— In 2022, he was awarded a “gratitude” from the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency for active participation in the competition for the best essay aimed at improving the activities of the Agency, as well as combating corruption in the country;

— Has a certificate of completion at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan on a refresher course on the topic: “Modern approaches to organizing activities and management in anti-corruption service agencies.”

Area of scientific interests: features of the investigation of corruption offenses.



Senior Lecturer

Class rank: Senior Adviser of Justice

Education: Taraz State University named after. M-H.Dulati (2002)

Ural State Law University (RF, 2016)

Qualification: “Jurisprudence”, “Master of Law”

Work experience: more than 20 years in the prosecutor’s office, teaching experience – 10 months

Disciplines taught:

— procedural requirements for the collection and evaluation of evidence;

— conditions for the appointment and conduct of forensic examinations and forensic studies. Obtaining samples of research objects;

— Drawing up a report on the completion of the pre-trial investigation;

— Methods for investigating criminal offenses provided for in Article 216 (issuing fictitious invoices), 234 (economic smuggling), 236 (evasion of customs duties, customs duties, taxes, special, anti-dumping, countervailing duties) of the Criminal Code.


— 2011 – the best state prosecutor of the prosecutor’s office of the Zhambyl region;

— 2016-2017 winner of the pool competition “30 exemplary public prosecutors”;

– for providing end-to-end supervision in the case of the crash of the SCAT airline plane near Almaty (21 people died) he was awarded a state award – the Zhauyngerlik Erligi Ushin medal;

— while working in the transport prosecutor’s office (2013-2020), he mastered the use of certain technical, construction and customs regulations;

— on personal initiative, changes were made to the format-logical control (FLC) of the web-EDR database.

Area of scientific interests: criminal and criminal procedure legislation; economic and customs law.