Head of the department
Class rank: Senior Adviser of Justice
Education: Karaganda State University named after E. Buketov, Karaganda University “Bolashak”, University “Turan”
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 19 years, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 8 years.
Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: Master of Law
Topic of the master’s thesis: “Modern understanding of the category of criminal procedural functions”
Topics taught:
Implementation of prosecutorial supervision in the field of protecting the labor rights of citizens, including with the use of information systems;
Current problems in the social sphere;
Plans, organizes and conducts scientific and educational events, including with the participation of employees of the General, regional and district prosecutor’s offices.
Achievements: awarded the medals “Minsiiz Kyzmeti Ushin” II, III degrees, “Kazakhstan Republikasyn Prokuraturasyna 20 zhyl”, “Kazakhstan Republikasyn Prokuraturasyna 25 zhyl”, “Kazakhstan Republikasyn Prokuraturasyna 30 zhyl” “, badge “Prokuratura Uzdigi” 1st and 2nd degree, ahead of schedule awarded the class ranks of “Junior Counselor of Justice” and “Senior Counselor of Justice”, and was also awarded medals and letters of gratitude from heads of other government bodies
Certificates: took part in trainings on the following topics:
— “Leader in a modern organization”;
— “Leadership for women law enforcement officers, women military personnel and women judges”;
— “Individual communications to the UN human rights treaty bodies: review procedure and implementation of decisions”;
— “Askeri, arnauli oku ornyndaga jana humanitarianlik bilim”;
— “Countering the financing of terrorism unscr 1373 sanctions”;
— “Leadership for Women in the Criminal Justice Sector Course”;
— “Leadership for Women in Law Enforcement Course.”
— “On changing approaches to the selection procedure for law enforcement officers of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Scientific journal “Bulletin of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies” No. 1 (27));
— The procedure for selection for initial professional training and the conditions for its completion for persons entering service in the prosecutor’s office” Khabarshy Journal – Vestnik (KVSh) No. 3 (81) 2023;
— “On the issue of historical aspects of the formation of the prosecutor’s office in the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Collection of Materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of U.S. Seitov “Development of modern legal science: theory and practice”).
Class rank: Senior Adviser of Justice
Education: Kazakh State Law University
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 24 years, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 9 years
Topics taught:
Leadership development;
Statement of the essence of the charge, including with the participation of jurors;
Tactics of judicial interrogation;
The structure and features of the prosecutor’s indictment, including with the participation of jurors;
Methodology for studying judicial acts and preparing petitions using information systems;
Business game (mock trial, simulation training);
Simulation training for organizing investigations and supervision in cases of premeditated murders.
Achievements: awarded departmental awards by the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is the winner of competitions 2019-2021 in the category “Best Teacher” of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Magazine “Law and Time” January, March 2019),
— Passport of competencies of young employees of the prosecutor’s office
— “Novelties in Legislation” (Journal “Law and Time”, January 2019);
— “Forum of State Prosecutors” (Magazine “Law and Time”, March 2019);
— “Memlekettik aiyptaudy koldauga procurator roli men funktsialary” (Journal “Law and Time”, No. 4 (232) 2021);
— Simulation training forum (Journal “Law and Time”, No. 3(243) 2023)
Scientific works:
— Practical recommendations “Imposition of punishment”, 2019;
— Section 3.2 of the monograph “Problems of prosecutorial supervision over compliance with the labor rights of citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the non-state sector” on the topic: “Maintaining state prosecution in criminal cases of violations of labor legislation and labor protection rules,” 2021.
Assistant professor
Class rank: Senior Adviser of Justice
Education: Karaganda State University named after E. Buketov
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 28 years, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 7 years
Topics taught:
Priority areas of supervision over the legality of pre-trial proceedings, provisions of industry instructions. Protection of constitutional human rights and freedoms in criminal proceedings in order to ensure guarantees of the rights and interests of participants in criminal proceedings;
Legal status and powers of the prosecutor, including the procedural prosecutor;
Supervision over the observance of constitutional human rights and freedoms in criminal proceedings. Verification of the legality of the delivery and detention, as well as the detention of persons in temporary detention facilities using information systems;
Features of identifying and securing evidence of the use of unauthorized methods of investigation and inquiry, as well as carrying out urgent investigative actions in cases of torture;
Procedural agreement, types of agreements, grounds for applying the institution of procedural agreement;
Simulation training for organizing investigations and supervision in cases of premeditated murders.
Achievements: Honorary employee of the prosecutor’s office, awarded the medals “Veteran of the Prosecutor’s Office”, “Minsis Kyzmeti Ushin” I, II and III degrees, as well as other state and departmental anniversary medals.
Assistant professor
Class rank: Counselor of Justice
Education: Kainar University
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 13 years, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 5 years
Topics taught:
Organization of supervision over the legality of enforcement proceedings, including the use of information systems;
The procedure for conducting analysis and inspections of executive documents affecting the interests of the state, including with the use of information systems;
The procedure for conducting analysis and inspections of enforcement documents on the collection of wages, including the use of information systems;
The procedure for conducting analysis and inspections of enforcement documents on the collection of alimony and claims of prosecutors, including the use of information systems;
Preparation of draft acts of prosecutorial supervision and response to supervise the legality of enforcement proceedings.
Achievements: awarded the medal “Minsiiz Kyzmeti Ushin” of the 3rd degree, the badge “Prosecutor’s Office of Uzdigi” of the 2nd degree, a certificate of honor from the rector of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and was also awarded the class rank “Advisor of Justice” ahead of schedule as an incentive.
— about completing the training “Training for trainers: advanced level”;
— about taking the course “Development of teaching skills.”
Publications: methodological recommendations “Procedure for foreclosure on receivables and property rights”, published an article on this topic (Journal “Zan zhane Zaman”),
— “On the correct procedure for executing an administrative fine on an individual” (Journal “Zan zhane Zaman”).
Assistant professor
Class rank: Senior Adviser of Justice
Education: Central Asian University, 2002
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 21 years, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 5 years
Topics taught:
Tactics and methods of studying criminal cases for the completeness and comprehensiveness of pre-trial proceedings, as well as checking the legality of procedural decisions made using information systems;
Actions and decisions of the prosecutor in a criminal case filed in accordance with Article 300 of the Code of Criminal Procedure;
Features of drawing up an indictment;
Simulation training for organizing investigations and supervision in cases of premeditated murders.
Achievements: awarded departmental awards of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “Prokuratura Uzdigi”, 1st degree, “Minsiiz Kyzmeti Ushin”, 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree.
Assistant professor
Class rank: Junior Counselor of Justice
Education: Kazakh State Law University
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 11 years, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 8 years
Topic of the master’s thesis: “Features of consideration of civil cases in the court of first instance”
Topics taught:
Crime prevention and anti-corruption: powers and role of the prosecutor;
Supervision of the legality of compliance with accounting and registration discipline, identification of violations and criminal offenses hidden from registration. The beginning of the pre-trial investigation, the role and functions of the prosecutor, and their implementation in the information systems of the automated workplace ERDR and Web ERDR;
Familiarization and development of skills in working with the main functionality of the information system “Automated workplace “Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations” (IS ERDR) and the module “Electronic Criminal Case”;
Familiarization and development of skills in working with the main functionality of the information and analytical system “Analytical Center”;
Familiarization and development of skills in working with the main functionality of the information and analytical system “Automated workplace “Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations” (AWS ERDR);
Familiarization and development of skills in working with the “Zandylyk” information system;
7. Familiarization with information systems used in law enforcement activities and studying their capabilities.
Achievements: awarded departmental awards from the Prosecutor General’s Office
Republic of Kazakhstan
Certificates: on participation in the Central Asian regional simulation exercise “Combating human trafficking: strengthening interdepartmental cooperation through simulation training”
Scientific works: author of more than 22 scientific publications in the field of digital information, including those included in the Scopus database on the topic: “Integration of e-Government Bases as a Means for Ensuring Economic (Tax) and Information Security.”
— Author of a practical guide to identifying, investigating and prosecuting crimes committed using the Internet and electronic information resources (social networks, instant messengers and other resources), Astana, 2022.
Assistant professor
Class rank: Counselor of Justice
Education: East Kazakhstan State University named after S. Amanzholov.
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 21 years, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 5 years.
Topics taught:
Carrying out prosecutorial supervision over the application of land legislation, including using information systems;
Implementation of prosecutorial supervision over compliance with legislation on public procurement, using information systems;
Implementation of prosecutorial supervision over the legality in the field of protecting the rights of socially vulnerable groups of the population.
Achievements: Awarded with badges “Prokuratura Uzdigi” I and II degrees, medals “Minsiiz Kyzmeti Ushin” I, II and III degrees, as well as departmental anniversary medals, rewarded with gratitude from the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan
— on the completion of leadership training for women law enforcement officers and special forces and women military personnel;
— about taking the course “Using the Flipped Classroom Model in the Classroom: From Theory to Practice.”
Senior Lecturer
Class rank: Counselor of Justice
Education: Karaganda State University named after E. Buketov, Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 19 years 2 months, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 7 years
Academic degree, academic title, academic degree: Master of Law.
Topic of the master’s thesis: “Participation of the prosecutor in the rule-making activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation”
Topics taught:
Representing the interests of the state in court in civil and administrative cases, including with the use of information systems;
The procedure for reviewing judicial acts in civil cases that have not entered into legal force on appeal;
The procedure for reviewing judicial acts that have entered into legal force in civil and administrative cases based on newly discovered circumstances;
Drawing up draft opinions, acts of prosecutorial response and supervision, as well as procedural documents in civil and administrative cases. Possibility of using information systems;
Business game (mock trial in civil and administrative cases, simulation training);
Supervision in civil and administrative proceedings;
The procedure for reviewing judicial acts in administrative cases that have not entered into legal force through appeal and cassation procedures.
Achievements: Awarded medals “Minsiyz Kyzmeti Ushin” II and III degrees, “Kazakhstan Republikasyn Prokuraturasyna 20 zhyl”, badge “Prokuratura Uzdigi” II degree, rewarded with letters of gratitude from the rector of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies at the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, prosecutors Pavlodar region and Astana city .
– “Challenges and best practices in detecting, investigating, prosecuting corruption crimes and tracking, seizing, confiscating, returning proceeds of crime.” OSCE, UNODC, June 2009;
— “Stages of the legislative process: theory, practice and international experience. Rule of Law Platform – Central Asia.” Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, October 2013;
– “Charismatic speaker.” Nika Center for Communication Development. Astana 2017;
— “Modern scientific research methods in criminal justice.” EUCJ, October 2017;
— “Anti-plagiarism” for private users: instructions for use. Anti-plagiarism detection of borrowing”, June. 2023;
— “Combating Human Trafficking: Strengthening Interagency Collaboration through Simulated Training.” OSCE and the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, June 2023;
— “Application of the “Flipped Classroom” model in the classroom: from theory to practice”, July 2023.
— Legal monitoring of regulatory legal acts in the prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Student conference Eurasian space: prospects for cooperation and interaction. South Federal University. Rostov on Don. 2016;
— Zero tolerance for crime or how to overcome indifference.
— Zan zhane zaman No. 2 (207). 2018;
— Everyone should mind their own business or who should carry out the drive in enforcement proceedings. Zan zhane zaman No. 6 (198). June 2017;
— On the problem of notification of the time and place of consideration of civil cases. Material of the international scientific and practical conference “Science and education in the modern world” Bolashak Academy, Karaganda. The Republic of Kazakhstan. 2019;
— The interrelation of some areas of activity of the prosecutor’s office in the implementation of legal policy. Digital economy – Economy of the future: historical background, legal basis and economic effect: Collection of articles from international scientific -practical conference. Minsk, Republic of Belarus. 2019;
— About some issues of probation, its connection with the action activities of the prosecutor in civil proceedings. Development of the penal system: organizational, legal and economic aspects: Collection of international scientific and practical conference. Novosibirsk, Russian Federation. 2019;
— co-authored with M. Yudina. K.Yu.N., Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process, Dnepropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs: Forms of prosecutor’s participation in civil proceedings: a comparative description of the legislation of Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Scientific newsletter of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs. 2020. No. 4(108). Ukraine;
— Foreign experience in prosecutor’s participation institution development in Kazakhstan civil procedure. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 1–15 © The Author(s) 2021 Article reuse guidelines: DOI: 10.1177/1023263X211055343;
— co-authored with Professor S.K. Zhursinbaev. D.Yu.N.: About some issues of optimization of civil proceedings. Bulletin of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies. No. 1 (19) 2021. Kosshy, Akmola region, Republic of Kazakhstan;
— The principle of prosecutor’s participation in civil proceedings (using the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan). Legal Science. No. 3. 2021. Moscow, Russian Federation;
— co-authored by D.B. Umargaliev. Master’s student of the APO under the State Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Comparative legal analysis of the activities of the prosecutor in administrative and civil proceedings of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov. Law Series. No. 1 (138) / 2022. Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan.
— co-authored by Ashenova A.S., Maratova A.M. Master’s students of Turan Astana University: About some problems of accounts receivable in the field of public procurement. Collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference “Science and education in the era of digitalization. Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan. 2022;
— co-authored by M.K. Baysynov. Master’s student of the APO at the State Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan: The role of the prosecutor’s office in resolving the issue of financial liability of an employee in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of U.S. Seitov “Development of modern legal science: theory and practice.” Kosshy, Republic of Kazakhstan. 2023;
— Involvement of the prosecutor in civil proceedings as a third party. Right. Economy. Social partnership [Electronic resource]: collection. scientific tr. Intl. University “MITSO”; Editorial Board: V. F. Ermolovich (chief editor) [and others]. Minsk: International. MITSO University, 2023;
— co-authored by Zh.B. Baltbaeva. Head of the Department of Prosecutor’s Supervision:
— Proportionality of the consequences of disciplinary and criminal punishment. Zan zhane Zaman No. 6 (246). 2023;
Scientific works: co-authored a memo:
— for police officers and military personnel of the National Guard in unusual situations;
— for foreign citizens;
— for collection of receivables in enforcement proceedings.
Senior Lecturer
Class rank: Counselor of Justice
Education: Moscow Institute of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), Institute “NUR”.
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 21 years, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 2 years
Topics taught:
International legal cooperation of prosecutors;
Extradition and international legal assistance from prosecutors in criminal cases;
Implementation of prosecutorial supervision over compliance with tax legislation, including the use of information systems;
Implementation of prosecutorial supervision over compliance with customs legislation, including the use of information systems.
Achievements: Awarded the medal “Minsizi Kyzmeti Ushin” I, II, III degrees, the badge “Prokuratura Uzdigi”, departmental anniversary medals, rewarded with gratitude from the Prosecutor General.
— about participation in a training seminar within the School of Pedagogical Excellence on the topic: “Development of teaching skills”;
– in the field of recovery of stolen assets.
Publications: article in the international scientific journal “Academician” “Aspects of the implementation of customs control of the Republic of Kazakhstan” dated December 27, 2023.
Senior Lecturer
Class rank: Counselor of Justice
Education: Kazakh State Law Academy
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 22 years 5 months, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 6 years 2 months
Topics taught:
The role and functions of the prosecutor in maintaining public prosecution; in court, including with the participation of jurors;
Tactics of maintaining state prosecution;
Methodology for studying criminal cases;
Tactics of judicial interrogation;
Methodology for studying judicial acts and preparing petitions using information systems;
Business game (mock trial, simulation training);
Simulation training for organizing investigations and supervision in cases of premeditated murders.
Achievements: Awarded the medals “Kazakhstan Republikasyn Prokuraturasyna 25 zhyl”, “Kazakhstan Republikasyn Prokuraturasyna 25 zhyl”, “Minsiyz Kyzmeti Ushin” 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree and the badge “Prosecutor’s Office of Uzbekistan” ігі” I degree, letters of gratitude from the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the prosecutor of Atyrau region and the Rector of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
— about participation in a training seminar within the School of Pedagogical Excellence on the topic: “Development of teaching skills”;
— about participation in a training seminar on the topic: “Application of the “Flipped Classroom” model in the classroom: from theory to practice”;
— on completion of a refresher course on the topic “Training on effective communications and features of creating video lessons.”
— “Memlekettik aiyptaudy koldaudagy prokurordyn roli men funktsialary” (Journal “Law and Time”, No. 4 (232) 2021);
— “Adam tagyryn sheshu barysynda keri aserin tigizetin qylmystyk zannamalardagy olqylyktarga katysty ozekti maseleler” (Journal “Law and Time”, No. 5 (245) 2023);
— co-author of educational and methodological recommendations on the topic “Procedural guidance for the investigation of premeditated murders and maintaining state prosecution in court.”
Senior Lecturer
Class rank: Junior Counselor of Justice
Education: Academy of Jurisprudence “Higher School of Law “Adilet”.
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 15 years, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 5 years
Topics taught:
Functions and tasks of prosecutorial supervision over the legality of the execution of criminal penalties and the application of other measures of state coercion;
Features of inspection of institutions of the penal system;
Compliance with the law in the activities of internal affairs bodies in monitoring the behavior of persons released on parole from serving their sentences and in respect of whom administrative supervision has been established by the court;
Features of the prosecutor’s participation in court when considering materials on parole and criminal detention using information systems. Application of Article 6 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Features of the supervision of legality in the activities of probation services in the execution of criminal penalties using information systems.
Achievements: Awarded the medal “Minsiiz Kyzmeti Ushin” II, III degree, encouraged by letters of gratitude from the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan
— about participation in a training seminar within the School of Pedagogical Excellence on the topic: “Development of teaching skills”;
— about participation in a training seminar on the topic: “Application of the “Flipped Classroom” model in the classroom: from theory to practice.”
— “Classification of punishments in the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan: aspects of application and universality” Journal “Global Science and Innovation 2023: Central Asia” No. 2 (20) September 2023
Senior Lecturer
Class rank: Senior Adviser of Justice
Education: Kainar University
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 22 years 4 months, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 2 years 3 months
Topics taught:
Representation of state interests in courts in cases of administrative offenses. Possibility of using information systems;
The procedure for reviewing judicial acts in appeal and cassation proceedings in cases of administrative offenses;
Drawing up opinions, acts of prosecutorial response and supervision in cases of administrative offenses;
Business game (mock trial in cases of administrative offenses).
Achievements: awarded departmental medals “Minsiyz Kyzmeti Ushin” І, ІІ and ІІІ degrees, “Kazakhstan Republikasyn Prokuraturasyna 20 zhyl”, “Kazakhstan Republikasyn Prokuraturasyna 25 zhyl”, as well as medals and letters of gratitude from the heads of other government bodies, were awarded class ranks twice ahead of schedule “ Junior Counselor of Justice” and “Senior Counselor of Justice”
— Preparation of a mobile rapid response team from among prosecutors’ office employees for provocative actions of an aggressive crowd during unauthorized gatherings of large crowds of people;
— “Asset Tracing and Recovery”;
— “Development of teaching skills.”
– “On the deadlines for filing a complaint or appeal from the prosecutor in cases of administrative offenses” Magazine “Zan Zhane Zaman” No. 5 (245) September-October 2023
Senior Lecturer
Class rank: Counselor of Justice
Education: Kazakh State National University named after al-Farabi
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 20 years, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 6 months
Topics taught:
General provisions and organization of inspection of the scene of the incident. Participation of the supervising (procedural) prosecutor in the inspection of the crime scene and other investigative actions;
The procedure for drawing up procedural documents and response acts during supervision at the pre-trial stage of the criminal process, including in cases investigated in electronic format;
Training in the skills of considering complaints and petitions of participants in criminal proceedings within the framework of Chapter 13 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, including those declared upon completion of familiarization with the case materials;
Features of organizing supervision over the legality of pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses regarding violations of industrial safety rules and industrial injuries.
Proceedings for the confiscation of property obtained illegally before a verdict is passed. Procedural costs. Compensation for damage caused by a criminal offense.
Simulation training for organizing investigations and supervision in cases of premeditated murders.
Achievements: Awarded the medal of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, departmental medals “Minsiiz Kyzmeti Ushin” II and III degrees, as well as “Kazakhstan Republikasyn Prokuraturasyna 30 zhyl”.
Certificates: – about participation in a course on the topic: “Application of active learning methods in teaching.”
Senior Lecturer
Class rank: Senior Adviser of Justice
Education: Kazakh State National University named after al-Farabi
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 23 years, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 4 years.
Topics taught:
The procedure for drawing up procedural documents and response acts during supervision at the pre-trial stage of the criminal process, including in cases investigated in electronic format;
Features of the organization of supervision over the legality of pre-trial investigation of certain criminal offenses (against property, against the person, against health, as well as transport, medical, environmental, corruption criminal offenses);
Organization of supervision over the legality of criminal prosecution in cases of violent crimes of a sexual nature against minors;
Simulation training for organizing investigations and supervision in cases of premeditated murders.
Achievements: Awarded the medal “Minsiiz Kyzmeti Ushin” of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree, the badge “Prosecutor’s Office of Uzdigi”, a certificate of honor from the rector of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and was awarded the title of “Senior Adviser of Justice” as an incentive.
— An article on the topic: “Criminal legal problems of latent sexual crimes against minors in the Republic of Kazakhstan: analysis and recommendations” was published in the journal “Global Science and Innovation 2023: Central Asia” No. 2 (20), Astana, September 2023
Senior Lecturer
Class rank: Counselor of Justice
Education: Moscow State Law Academy, Academy
law enforcement agencies at the Prosecutor General’s Office
Republic of Kazakhstan.
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 23 years, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 6 months
Academic degree, academic title,
Academic degree: Master of National Security and Military Affairs
Topic of the master’s thesis: “Theoretical, legal and applied aspects of the regulation of pre-trial investigation in electronic format”
Topics taught:
Priority areas of supervision over the legality of pre-trial proceedings, provisions of industry instructions. Protection of constitutional human rights and freedoms in criminal proceedings in order to ensure guarantees of the rights and interests of participants in criminal proceedings;
Modernization and reform of supervisory activities over criminal prosecution (three-tier system) – procedure for electronic approval / approval of key procedural decisions using the ERDR IS;
Skills in organizing analytical work (drawing certificates, analyzes of the state of crime, information as part of the execution of tasks and instructions) using information systems;
Legal aspects of the prevention of torture in the activities of criminal prosecution authorities: international principles, analysis, practice and prospects;
Simulation training for organizing investigations and supervision in cases of premeditated murders.
Achievements: awarded medals “For Impeccable Service” I, II and III degrees, a badge for “The Best in the Prosecutor’s Office”, as well as departmental anniversary medals.
— about participation in a training seminar within the School of Pedagogical Excellence on the topic: “Development of teaching skills”;
— about participation in a training seminar on the topic: “Application of the “Flipped Classroom” model in the classroom: from theory to practice”
— “Problematic aspects of the legal regulation of pre-trial investigation in electronic format in the Republic of Kazakhstan” (collection of the APO under the State Prosecution Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, April 7, 2023.
— “Some problematic aspects of pre-trial investigation in electronic format in the Republic of Kazakhstan” (International scientific journal “Academician” April 9, 2023).
Class rank: Junior Counselor of Justice
Education: Karaganda Institute of Current Education “Bolashak”
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 12 years, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 4 months.
Topics taught:
Carrying out prosecutorial supervision over the application of legislation on minors, incl. by preventing offenses related to domestic violence, as well as the legality of criminal prosecution in cases of sexual crimes against children;
Carrying out prosecutorial supervision over the application of migration legislation;
Implementation of prosecutorial supervision over compliance with legislation on architectural, urban planning and construction activities, using information systems;
The procedure for appointing and conducting inspections of compliance with the law by prosecutors, analyzing the state of legality, as well as assessing acts that have entered into force.
Achievements: awarded the badge “Prokuratura Uzdigi” of the 2nd degree, the medal “Minsiz қyzmetі ushin” of the 3rd degree, was declared grateful by the order of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and was also awarded a medal and letters of gratitude from the heads of other government bodies.
— about participation in a course on the topic: “Application of active learning methods in teaching.”
Class rank: Junior Counselor of Justice
Education: higher, Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov – bachelor’s degree, Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the State Police of the Republic of Kazakhstan – master’s degree.
Work experience: in the prosecutor’s office – 12 years, of which at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies – 6 months.
Academic degree, academic title, academic degree:
Topic of the master’s thesis: Current issues of parole in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Topics taught:
Participation of the prosecutor at the preliminary hearing;
The structure and features of the prosecutor’s indictment, including with the participation of jurors;
Methodology for studying judicial acts and preparing petitions using information systems;
Business game (mock trial, simulation training);
Simulation training for organizing investigations and supervision in cases of premeditated murders.
Achievements: Awarded the badge “Prokuratura Uzdigi”, the medal “Minsiz Kyzmeti Ushin” of the 3rd degree, the departmental anniversary medal “Kazakhstan Republikasyn Prokuraturasyna 30 zhyl”, rewarded with thanks from the Prosecutor General, prosecutors of the city of Astana and the Kyzylorda region.
— about participation in a training seminar within the School of Pedagogical Excellence on the topic: “Development of teaching skills.”