Regulation on the Institute

Appendix No. 2
to the order of the Rector of the Academy
of Law Enforcement Agencies
at the Prosecutor General’s
Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated March 2024 No.___


on the Institute of Professional Training of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan


1. General provisions

1. The Institute of Professional Training of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – the Institute, Academy, Prosecutor General’s Office) is an independent structural unit of the Academy.
2. The Institute is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Prosecutor’s Office”, the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Law Enforcement Service”, “On Education”, “On Science”, other legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning the activities of the Institute, organizational and administrative acts of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – the Prosecutor General), the Rector of the Academy, as well as this Regulation.
3. The structure and staffing of the Institute are determined by the Prosecutor General on the recommendation of the Rector of the Academy in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. The Institute consists of:
Management of organizational and methodological work;

Departments of prosecutorial supervision;

Departments of Criminal Prosecution and Operational investigative activities;

Departments of service training;

Departments of special training in countering global threats.


2. Tasks, rights and obligations of the Institute

5. Objectives of the Institute:
— ensuring the implementation of educational programs of initial professional training for persons entering the law enforcement service for the first time, as well as organizing work with them;

— ensuring the implementation of curricula and educational programs for advanced training, professional training and retraining of law enforcement officers, including those who are in the Presidential Reserve of the leadership of law enforcement agencies;

— organization and conduct of advanced training and retraining courses for prosecutorial and investigative staff of prosecutor’s offices (within the framework of the Coordinating Council of Prosecutors General), tax (financial) investigation bodies (within the framework of the Coordinating Council of Tax Investigation Bodies) of the CIS member states and other international training events in the status of a basic organization and as a Regional Hub for countering global threats;

— organization and implementation of paid services within the competence of the Institute.

6. The rights and obligations of the Institute’s staff.

In accordance with the legislation and organizational and administrative acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy, the staff of the Institute:

the right to:

participate in meetings with the leadership of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Rector, heads of structural divisions of the Academy, as well as organized and held in government agencies and non-governmental organizations on issues related to the activities of the Institute;

to request and receive, in accordance with the established procedure, information and materials from the structural divisions of the Academy necessary to fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to the Institute;

to request and receive, in accordance with the procedure established by law, information and materials from state bodies, organizations and institutions on issues related to the activities of the Institute;

to make proposals on improving legislation, organizing the work of the Institute and other bodies and institutions of the Prosecutor’s Office;

for professional retraining, advanced training and internship in accordance with the procedure established by law;

participate in scientific, practical and other educational events, including international conferences, seminars and round tables;

to publish scientific articles;

to cooperate in accordance with the established procedure with the structural divisions of the Academy, including the Institute for Scientific Research;

to exercise other powers provided for by law;

are obliged:

to perform the tasks and functions assigned to the Institute in a high-quality and timely manner in accordance with the current legislation and this Regulation;

to carry out activities within the limits of the powers granted and in accordance with official duties;

strictly comply with the requirements of legislation, acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy in the performance of the tasks and functions assigned to the Institute;

to get acquainted with the legal acts of the Prosecutor General, the Rector of the Academy, regulating the activities of the Academy and its structural divisions, and other normative legal acts relating to the tasks and functions of the Institute;

to consider the appeals of individuals and legal entities in the manner and within the time limits established by law;

to develop and update legal acts related to the activities of the Institute, including organizational and administrative documents on improving the educational process;

participate in working groups, interdepartmental meetings when reviewing projects and conducting legal monitoring of legal acts on fixed issues;

to keep state secrets and other legally protected secrets;

to exercise other powers provided for by legislation, legal acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy.


7. Functions of the Institute:

1) formation of curricula and educational programs of initial professional training courses for the study and development of core competencies by students (industry-wide, communicative, written, professional), taking into account the needs of the Prosecutor’s Office, the Financial Monitoring Agency and the Anti-Corruption Agency;

2) organization of work on enrollment, transfer, restoration and expulsion of students of the Academy;

3) organization and provision of the educational process in accordance with the procedure established by law, legal acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy;

4) organization and conduct of educational and methodological work in accordance with the procedure established by law, legal acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy;

5) organization and conduct of current, intermediate and final monitoring of students’ academic performance in accordance with the procedure established by law, legal acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy;

6) organization of internships for students of the Academy in accordance with the procedure established by law, legal acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy;

7) creating conditions for students to stay in a dormitory for the period of study in accordance with the procedure established by law and legal acts of the Rector of the Academy;

8) conducting an analysis of the effectiveness of initial professional training courses for persons entering the law enforcement service for the first time, advanced training and professional retraining of law enforcement officers;

9) organization of the fulfillment of the requirements established by the Internal Regulations of the students of the Academy, as well as monitoring their compliance;

10) organization of educational work among students in accordance with the procedure established by law, legal acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy;

11) search, study and implementation in the practical activities of the Institute and the Academy of positive national and foreign experience, innovative forms and methods of initial professional training, advanced training, professional training and retraining of law enforcement officers;

12) studying and determining, in cooperation with law enforcement agencies, the quantitative and qualitative need for advanced training and professional training and retraining of their employees;

13) formation of curricula and educational programs for advanced training courses, professional training and retraining of law enforcement officers in accordance with the procedure established by law, legal acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy;

14) selection of teaching staff and formation of a pool of lecturers at the Institute;

15) monitoring the knowledge of the Academy’s students in accordance with the procedure established by law, legal acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy;

16) interaction with educational institutions within the framework of agreements and memoranda concluded by the Academy;

17) application, expansion and improvement of distance learning;

18) taking measures to improve the qualifications of the teaching staff of the Institute;

19) development and implementation of educational, special educational programs for advanced training and retraining courses for prosecutorial and investigative staff of prosecutor’s offices, tax (financial) investigation bodies of the CIS member states and other international educational events;

20) studying and determining, in cooperation with law enforcement agencies and other organizations, the need for retraining and advanced training of prosecutorial and investigative staff of prosecutor’s offices, tax (financial) investigation authorities of the CIS member states;

21) providing educational activities as a basic organization for advanced training and retraining of prosecutorial and investigative staff of prosecutor’s offices, tax (financial) investigation bodies of the CIS member states;

22) formation of a pool of lecturers in the areas of activity of the Academy as a Regional Hub for countering global threats;

23) participation in conferences, round tables, seminars, webinars, trainings, working groups and other events on training in the field of countering global threats;

24) coordinating the activities of working groups on the subject areas of the Regional Hub’s activities to counter global threats;

25) interaction with government and other organizations on the issues of conducting training events (seminars, conferences, round tables, trainings, etc.);

26) implementation of paid types of services, search for potential customers of services, goods and works;

27) interaction with the structural divisions of the Academy on the provision of paid services;

28) making proposals to improve the provision of paid services;

29) making proposals to improve the activities of the Institute and the Academy;

30) performing other functions provided for by regulatory legal acts, legal acts of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy.

3. Organization of the Institute’s activities

8. The Institute has the rights and obligations necessary for the implementation of its tasks, in accordance with legislative acts, acts of the President, other normative legal acts, orders, orders, instructions of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy.
9. The Institute is headed by a director appointed and dismissed by the Rector of the Academy in accordance with the procedure established by law.
10. The Director of the Institute carries out the general management of the Institute’s activities and is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Institute and the exercise of its powers.
11. The Director of the Institute submits proposals to the Rector of the Academy on the structure and staffing of the Institute.
12. For this purpose, the Director of the Institute:

1) defines the powers of the head of the Department and heads of Departments of the Institute;

2) organizes and coordinates the work of the Institute, ensures the Institute’s interaction with the Prosecutor General’s Office, its departments and institutions, structural divisions of the Academy, regional prosecutor’s offices and equivalent central state bodies;

3) organizes and ensures control over the execution of orders, instructions, orders, instructions of the Prosecutor General, the Rector of the Academy, the supervising Vice-Rector of the Academy, decisions of the collegial bodies of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Academy, staff and operational meetings with the Prosecutor General and the Rector on issues related to the competence of the Institute;

4) holds operational meetings on the work of the Institute, distributes received materials and appeals among the staff of the Institute, gives them instructions in accordance with their functional responsibilities;

5) organizes the preparation of materials for the certification of the Institute’s staff;

6) carries out the selection and placement of personnel at the Institute, provides subordinate employees and employees with appropriate working conditions;

7) submits proposals to the first Vice-rector and the Rector of the Academy on the assignment of a class rank, class qualifications, encouragement or application of disciplinary measures to the staff of the Institute;

8) ensures that employees of the Institute comply with performance, service and labor discipline, and is personally responsible for them;

9) exercise other powers in accordance with laws, acts of the President, orders of the Prosecutor General and the Rector of the Academy.

13. Documents sent to the leadership of the Academy on issues within the competence of the Institute are signed by the supervising vice–rector, and in case of absence – by his replacement.

Documents sent on behalf of the Institute to other structural divisions of the Academy on issues within the competence of the Institute are signed by the Director of the Institute, and in the absence of the director of the Institute – by his replacement.

14. General office work at the Institute is carried out in accordance with the Rules of documentation and documentation management in bodies, departments, institutions and educational organizations of the Prosecutor’s Office and organizational and administrative acts to ensure secrecy.