Composition of the Teaching and Methodological Council

Appendix 2 to the Rector’s order
Academies of Law Enforcement Agencies at
Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan
No. 100 dated December 28, 2021


The composition of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

No. EMC Post
1 Chairman of the EMS First Vice-Rector
2 Deputy Chairman of the EMS Chief of Staff
3 Member of the EMS Director of the 3rd Institute
4 Member of the EMS Deputy Director of the 1st Institute
5 Member of the EMS Deputy Director of the 2nd Institute
6 Member of the EMS Deputy Director – Head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Work of the 3rd Institute
7 Member of the EMS Head of the Department of Organizational and Methodological Work of the 1st Institute
8 Member of the EMS Head of the Department of Prosecutor’s Supervision of the 1st Institute
9 Member of the EMS Head of the Department of Investigative and Operational Work of the 1st Institute
10 Member of the EMS Head of the Department of Special Training to Counter Global Threats of the 1st Institute
11 Member of the EMS Head of the Department of Service Training of the 1st Institute
12 Member of the EMS Head of the Department of Special Legal Disciplines of the 3rd Institute
13 Member of the EMS Head of the Department of General Legal Disciplines of the 3rd Institute
14 Member of the EMS Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the 3rd Institute
15 Member of the EMC with temporarily delegated powers Head of the 1st Directorate
16 Member of the EMS Head of the 3rd Directorate
17 Member of the EMS Head of the 1st Department
18 Member of the EMS Head of the 2nd Department
19 Member-Secretary of the EMS Senior Prosecutor of the Group for Monitoring and Evaluating the quality of educational activities of the Staff (position code 7171434)