Regulations of the Educational and Methodological Council

Appendix 1
to the order of the Rector of the Academy
of Law Enforcement Agencies
at the Prosecutor General’s Office
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated December 28, 2021 No. 100

Regulations of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1. General provisions

1. The Rules of Procedure of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – the Rules) defines the legal and organizational basis for the activities of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – the EMC).

2. The EMS carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, regulatory legal acts of the authorized state body in the field of education and science, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as these Regulations.

The EMS is a collegial body established to coordinate the activities of the structural divisions of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Academy) on the development and improvement of educational programs, the development of educational and methodological support for the educational process, and the introduction of modern educational technologies.

3. The activities of the EMS are based on transparency, collective discussion of issues within its competence.

2. Tasks and functions of the EMS

4. Tasks of the EMC:

1) identification of current and future directions of the educational process at the Academy;

2) coordination of the activities of the structural divisions of the Academy for the preparation and improvement of curricula, educational and educational programs, teaching materials, improving the quality of methodological support for the educational process;

3) organization of quality monitoring of methodological support of the educational process;

4) introduction of new and improvement of existing educational technologies, methods, and teaching tools;

5) development of automation systems for educational process management;

6) improving the efficiency and improvement of scientific and educational activities of the Academy.

5. EMC functions:

1) planning and coordination of educational and methodological activities of the Academy;

2) consideration of issues of educational and methodological support of the educational process;

3) consideration and discussion of draft work curricula and programs, academic calendar, professional practice programs, schedule, curricula and other documents related to the educational and methodological activities of the Academy;

4) consideration and discussion of draft methodological, educational and methodical, practical manuals and recommendations, visual aids, reference, scientific, popular science, official, regulatory, production, production and practical publications, mock-ups of criminal cases, practical manuals, etc.;

5) consideration of candidates for scientific supervisors/consultants and research topics for undergraduates and doctoral students;

6) Review of the Master’s and doctoral degree entrance examination programs;

7) consideration of the issues of entrance and final examinations of initial vocational training;

8) consideration of the programs of the comprehensive examination of the final certification of students in the master’s degree;

9) consideration of forms of control of knowledge of undergraduates and doctoral students;

10) consideration of the results of the professional practice of undergraduates and doctoral students, as well as proposals to improve their effectiveness;

11) consideration of questions about the results of the examination session of undergraduates and doctoral students, the final exam of students of initial professional training and proposals for improving the educational process;

12) consideration of proposals for the introduction of new and improvement of existing teaching methods and tools, educational and methodological work, best practices in the development of domestic and foreign educational institutions;

13) discussion of proposals for the development of automation systems for the management of the educational process;

14) consideration of proposals for advanced training, retraining and certification of pedagogical and scientific personnel of the Academy;

15) consideration of other issues related to the educational and methodological activities of the educational process of the Academy.


6. At the meetings of the EMS, it is mandatory to consider:

1) draft work plan of the EMS;

2) issues of educational and methodological support of the educational process;

3) questions on improving the educational process;

4) questions on the development of automation systems for the management of the educational process;

5) projects of methodological, educational and methodical, practical manuals and recommendations, visual aids, reference, scientific, popular science, official, regulatory, production, production and practical publications, mock-ups of criminal cases, practical manuals, etc.

3. The procedure for the formation and composition of the EMS

7. The EMS is headed by the Chairman, the first Vice–Rector of the Academy, who oversees educational and methodological work.

The Chairman has a deputy from among the members of the EMS, who, in his absence, acts as Chairman.

8. The composition of the EMS is approved by the order of the Rector of the Academy.

The EMS consists of permanent members and members with temporarily delegated powers.

EMS members with temporarily delegated powers have the right to vote in decision-making and participate in meetings, depending on the nature of the issue under consideration.

The Secretary of the EMS has an equal right to vote with other members of the EMS.

Other employees, employees, students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the Academy, as well as other interested persons may be invited to the EMS meeting.

9. Organizational support for the activities of the EMS is carried out by the department that monitors and evaluates the quality of educational activities of the Academy.

10. Chairman of the EMS:

1) approves the agenda of the EMS meeting;

2) convenes and conducts meetings of the EMS;

3) participates in the discussion of the issues under consideration;

4) decides on the date of the next and extraordinary meeting of the EMC;

5) puts issues on the agenda of the meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that require prompt consideration, and also removes the issue planned for consideration from the agenda;

6) signs the documents assigned to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

7) solves other issues of the organization of the activities of the EMS.

11. Secretary of the EMS:

1) organizes and ensures the work on the preparation of the meetings of the EMS and during it;

2) organizes the preparation of materials for the meeting of the EMC;

3) maintains the protocols of the EMS, prepares the necessary extracts from the protocols and decisions taken for their subsequent operational referral to the structural divisions of the Academy, to the executors;

4) maintains the EMS documentation in accordance with the rules of record keeping.

12. Member of the EMS:

1) participates in meetings of the EMC and in other events held by its decision;

2) participates in the discussion of the issues under consideration;

3) contributes to the achievement of the goals established by these Regulations;

4) performs the tasks assigned to him in a timely and high-quality manner.

During the temporary absence of a member of the EMS, his duties are assigned to an interchangeable person in accordance with their functional (official) duties.

4. Organization of EMS activities

13. The work of the EMS is carried out in accordance with the annual work plan discussed at the first meeting of the EMS in the new academic year and approved by the Rector of the Academy.

14. The EMS meeting is held at least once every two months (2 weeks of the month established by the EMS Work Plan).

Unscheduled meetings of the EMS may be held on the initiative of the chairman of the EMS or at the suggestion of one of the members of the EMS, the head of the structural unit of the Academy with the consent of the chairman of the EMS.

In each case, the Secretary of the EMC informs the members of the EMC about the date and agenda of the meeting.

15. A meeting of the EMS is valid if at least two thirds of its members take part in it.

A member of the EMS must inform the Chairman of the EMS in advance about the inability to attend the meeting for valid reasons.

16. The speakers, no later than 10 (ten) calendar days before the scheduled meeting of the EMC, send materials (speech, draft decision, materials under discussion) via the Kadagalau IP to the secretary of the EMC.

The Secretary of the EMS within two days after receiving the materials, but no later than 8 (eight) calendar days before the meeting of the EMS sends the materials to the members of the EMS (according to the IS “Kadagalau”).

The members of the EMS, no later than 5 (five) calendar days before the meeting of the EMS, send comments and suggestions to the secretary of the EMS (on the IS “Kadagalau”).

If the Secretary does not receive comments and suggestions from the EMS members within the established time frame, the materials are considered agreed.

The speakers, 2 (two) calendar days before the meeting of the EMC, submit the materials worked out with the members of the EMC in paper form (speech, draft decision, materials) to the secretary of the EMC.

A certificate on the results of a full check of the text document for the presence of borrowings (anti-plagiarism) of the licensed program is necessarily attached to the projects of scientific, educational, educational, scientific and methodical publications. At the same time, the percentage of originality should be at least 65% of the original text, including citations.

17. The introduction of issues outside the work plan of the EMC for consideration by the EMC is carried out with the consent of the Chairman of the EMC.

At an unscheduled meeting of the EMC, the deadlines for the provision and study of materials are determined by the chairman of the EMC.

18. In cases of late, incomplete submission of materials for consideration by the EMC, if there are comments requiring revision of the materials, on the basis of a reasoned report from the secretary of the EMC, the chairman of the EMC has the right to remove the issue from the agenda of the EMC meeting with notification to the speaker.

If the rapporteur has grounds for disagreement with the comments and proposals made by the members of the EMC and provides the secretary of the EMC with relevant information, the issue is submitted to the EMC for consideration, where an appropriate decision is made in accordance with paragraph 19 of these Rules. The Secretary of the EMS notifies the Chairman of the EMS about this before the start of the meeting.

19. The decision is made by open voting and is considered adopted if more than 50% of the EMS members present at the meeting voted for it. With an equal number, the vote of the chairman of the EMC is decisive.

When considering a recommendation, the EMS makes one of two decisions: “Recommend” or “Not recommend”.
The decisions of the EMS are formalized by the protocol. The minutes of the meeting and the decisions of the EMC are signed by the Chairman and the Secretary of the EMC.

The draft protocol is coordinated with the heads of the concerned departments before signing.

The Secretary of the EMS shall bring the protocol to the executors and members of the EMS no later than within a week.

20. The Chairman of the EMS reports once a school year on the results of the activities of the EMS at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Academy.