Development strategy

Development strategy
Appendix 1
to the order of the Rector of the Academy
law enforcement agencies
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
dated September 9, 2021
№ 68


Kosshy city


1. General Provisions;
2. Mission and vision;
3. Strategic goals and objectives;
4. Mechanism for implementing the Strategy;
5. Expected results;
6. List of legal acts and sources used.


The development strategy of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019-2023 was developed with the aim of further modernizing the training system for law enforcement agencies.

The Republican State Institution “Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter referred to as the Academy) is a non-profit educational organization with a special status that independently determines the content of education and the organization of educational activities.

The Academy was established by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 15 dated May 4, 2015.

Its main areas of activity are:

— increasing the professional level of law enforcement officers, including those in the Presidential Reserve for the leadership of law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

— initial professional training of persons entering the service of law enforcement agencies for the first time;

— coordination and conduct of interdepartmental scientific research in the field of law enforcement;

— implementation of postgraduate education programs.

Today, the Academy has gone through a period of formation, and significant work has been done.

Licenses have been obtained for the right to carry out educational activities in postgraduate education programs (master’s and doctoral studies) in the educational programs “Law Enforcement” and “Jurisprudence”.

A legal framework has been developed and implemented, consultative and advisory, collegial management bodies have been created (Scientific, Educational and Methodological, Scientific and Methodological and Dissertation Councils).

The Academy is certified by the Ministry of Education and Science as a subject of scientific and technical activities, and all postgraduate educational programs are recognized as complying with the State Educational Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2018, the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education carried out institutional and specialized accreditation of the educational institution. A certificate of compliance of the implemented educational programs with all international requirements and standards was received.

This gives the Academy an advantage and will further improve the university’s ranking and strengthen its competitive position among Kazakhstani universities.

The structure of the Academy has three independent institutes based on the tasks assigned to it, as well as several independent divisions.

Among them are the Department of Personnel Development, the Department of Finance and Logistics, the Department of International Cooperation, the Department for the Development and Maintenance of Information and Communication Systems, the Department of Editorial and Publishing Work and others.

To monitor the implementation of the Academy’s policy in the field of quality of educational activities and compliance with its changing requirements, a Group for monitoring and assessing the quality of educational activities operates.

In order to ensure the tasks of improving professional training, special departments of service training, prosecutorial supervision, investigative and operational work, as well as special training in countering global threats have been established.

The topics of advanced training courses for employees are formed by analyzing and assessing the needs of practice.

At the same time, training programs are focused on the specifics of each law enforcement agency and are developed for a specific category of students, i.e. those in the reserve for leadership positions, in branches of supervision and main areas of activity, as well as for those transferred from other bodies and areas of supervision.

In general, since 2015, more than 9 thousand law enforcement officers have undergone advanced training and retraining at the Academy, starting from January 2019, the process of distance learning has been launched, and about 2 thousand employees of the Prosecutor’s Office have been trained using it.

A system of training for persons in the Presidential Reserve has been created and established. The topics of the courses include the main directions of state policy, negotiation tactics, the basics of analytical work in management, leadership and personal effectiveness of the manager.

A total of 94 managers from the Prosecutor’s Office, Internal Affairs, National Bureau and Economic Investigation Service have improved their qualifications at the Presidential courses, 29 of whom have been appointed to higher positions.

Since 2020, initial professional training has been introduced for candidates entering the prosecution service, the anti-corruption service and the economic investigation service for the first time. The first intake of trainees was accepted for training in January 2021.

The aim of the training is to maximize candidates’ mastery of the knowledge and skills required for the service, with the inclusion of modules for the development of five competencies (general, informational, written, communicative and professional).

In the field of international cooperation, the Academy’s priority for the Academy is the project to develop a Regional Hub to counter such global threats as extremism and terrorism, drug trafficking, human trafficking and illegal migration, cybercrime, environmental security and financial crimes and corruption.

The Regional Hub is a scientific and educational platform for law enforcement officers.

Along with Kazakhstani law enforcement officers, the hub trains law enforcement officers from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Pakistan.

Since the establishment of the hub, 80 training events have been held with the participation of international experts, almost two thousand law enforcement officers have been trained, 24 national trainers have been trained, including 10 on financial crime investigation and 14 on cybercrime.

Since 2018, the Academy has been the basic organization for advanced training and retraining of personnel for tax (financial) authorities of the CIS member states.

In December 2020, at a meeting of the Council of the CIS Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the issue of giving the Academy another status as a basic organization for training prosecutors and investigators of the CIS member states was positively considered.

As part of the received statuses in two areas – retraining and advanced training of prosecutorial and investigative officers, as well as employees of tax investigation bodies, since 2018, 6 events have been carried out for 231 employees, incl. 1 seminar for prosecutors.

In order to form a unified scientific policy for law enforcement agencies in Kazakhstan, a Scientific Methodological Council was formed, which includes the leadership of the Academy, heads of apparatus and personnel services of law enforcement agencies and the scientific community.

The scientific research conducted by the Academy is interdepartmental in nature and is focused on solving strategic problems in law enforcement. Their topics are related to the activities of the National Plan, the Legal Policy Council and other program documents.

Since 2015, 30 scientific studies have been conducted, of which 21 are interdepartmental, including: “Privacy”, “Increasing guarantees for the protection of citizens’ rights in criminal proceedings”, “Public trust as an indicator of the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies”, “Torture: problematic issues of criminal law and procedural regulation in penitentiary institutions”, “Current problems of assessing the level of drug use in the Republic of Kazakhstan” and others.

As a result, 11 criminological forums were organized, 43 scientific works were published, including monographs, scientific manuals, commentaries, methodological recommendations and collections.

The results of the Academy’s research provide invaluable assistance in rule-making and practical activities. The customers of such studies are the Security Council, the Presidential Administration, Parliament, the Prosecutor General’s Office and central law enforcement agencies.

Through postgraduate education, the Academy trains personnel in the educational programs “Jurisprudence” and “Law Enforcement.” Profile and scientific-pedagogical directions have been opened.

The structure of the Institute of Postgraduate Education includes the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, the Department of Special Legal Disciplines and the Department of General Legal Disciplines.

From 2015 to 2021, 205 master’s students and 32 doctoral students were graduated.

A total of 144 students are studying at the Academy, including 114 students in the master’s program and 30 students in the doctoral program.

Starting from September 1, 2020, distance learning has been introduced for master’s students. To promote professional growth of young scientists, development of scientific potential and realization of their creative opportunities the Council of Young Scientists was created.

Also for constructive interaction with the structural subdivisions of the Academy, to improve the quality of education and research activities, to realize the creative opportunities of master’s and doctoral students in scientific research the Council of Master’s and Doctoral Students works.

Close cooperation with partners from OSCE, EU, UN, Interpol, INTERRA, ITEC, World Bank, MASHAV Agency, embassies and representative offices of foreign countries (USA, Turkey, Israel, Germany, Hungary, France, Russia, Great Britain, India) has been established in the line of international cooperation.

With their assistance, 269 employees of the Prosecutor’s Office traveled abroad to exchange experience, training and participation in international events in Austria, Hungary, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania and others.


S (strength) W (weakness)
The special status of the Academy is fixed at the level of legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The system of professional development and training, including the Presidential Reserve has been created and established.

The Academy is defined as a basic organization of the CIS member states for advanced training and retraining of personnel for tax (financial) investigation bodies, as well as training of prosecutors and investigators of the CIS countries.

Scientific research conducted by the Academy is of interdepartmental nature and is focused on solving strategic tasks of law enforcement agencies.

A regional hub has been established to counter such global threats as extremism and terrorism, drug trafficking, illegal migration and human trafficking, environmental crime, cybercrime, financial crimes and corruption.

The Academy is accredited by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. A certificate of compliance of the educational programs implemented with all international requirements and standards has been obtained.

There is a departmental printed edition recommended by the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science for the publication of the main results of scientific activity in legal sciences.

There is a departmental printed edition recommended by the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science for publication of the main results of scientific activity in legal sciences and placed in the scientific base “Russian Science Citation Index” (RSCI).

In order to digitalize the educational process, the E-Academy educational portal, distance learning system, as well as an electronic library and repository for storing scientific achievements are functioning.

It is required to increase the level of automation of the educational process, the share of introduction of information and communication technologies;

Insufficient scientific stability of the teaching staff;

Outdated material and technical base;

Small number of editions and publications of the Academy, including those in rating journals.



To make unique contributions to law enforcement through teaching and scholarship based on a combination of the best of domestic tradition and world experience.

The Academy is a recognized leader in law enforcement science and education with advanced training, experience and innovation.



Result indicator:

– By 2020, the Academy will obtain the status of the basic organization for training of prosecutors and investigators of CIS countries (indicator achieved in December 2020);

– by 2023 the recommendations of the Independent Quality Assurance Agency (IQAA) for the post-accreditation period will be fulfilled by 90-95%.

– the share of law enforcement officers (except for the Ministry of Internal Affairs) who have improved their qualifications at the Academy will amount to 50% by 2023.

Implementation of the goal and indicators should result in strengthening the practical component of training for law enforcement officers, the following measures will be taken:

– implementation of the recommendations of the Independent Agency (IQAA) in the post-accreditation period will be 90-95%;

– opening of a remote specialized doctoral program;

– creation and technical support of the functionality of self-enrollment to the planned professional development courses at the Academy;

– training courses will be conducted using active learning methods based on andragogy (“Adult-learning”): cases, simulation trainings, group projects; gamification, 3D virtual simulators, and other advanced forms and technologies;

– conducting a survey of students and trainees on their satisfaction with the quality of the educational process, with the development of appropriate proposals;

– study and implementation of best practices in the educational process and innovative learning technologies.

Task 1.1. Development of a practice-oriented approach to teaching

Result indicator:

— the level of practice-oriented materials of training courses and implemented educational programs (depending on the direction of training and the requirements of the descriptors) for each year will be 70%.

To achieve this, the following measures will be taken:

— conducting an analysis of the needs of law enforcement agencies in the topics and forms of training;

— heads of territorial divisions and central offices of law enforcement agencies will be involved in training at the Academy (contingent – candidates for positions of mid-level managers);

— the participation of employers in the examination of curricula for the initial professional training of students and the professional training of employees will be ensured;

— employers will participate in the examination of educational programs of postgraduate education;

— involvement of practical workers in conducting classes on topics and disciplines;

— the issue of budget financing has been worked out to attract foreign experts and law enforcement officers to the training process at the Academy;

— together with the Ministry of Finance, the issue of creating and developing a training and practical center for training in combating cybercrime, as well as equipping an investigative training ground, a prosecutorial supervision training ground and a multifunctional training ground for simulation training, has been worked out.

Task 1.2. Training and advanced training of law enforcement officers

Result indicator:

— The number of law enforcement officers of the Republic of Kazakhstan (except for the Ministry of Internal Affairs) who have undergone training and advanced training at the Academy, incl. by remote form for each year will be at least 1,750 employees.
Today, thanks to previously taken measures, the following goals have been achieved: the Academy has received the status of a Basic Organization for the training of prosecutorial and investigative workers, and a specialized master’s degree program has been introduced in the specialty “Law Enforcement.”

For further development, the following measures must be taken:

— conducting training and advanced training courses for employees remotely;

— organizing initial professional training for candidates entering the law enforcement service for the first time;

— conducting training events within the framework of the status of the basic organization of the CIS member states for advanced training, retraining of personnel for tax (financial) investigation authorities of the CIS member states;

— conducting training events within the framework of the status of the basic organization of the CIS member states for retraining and advanced training of prosecutorial and investigative workers;

— conducting training events in the areas of the Regional Hub;

— training was organized for prosecutors in foreign countries;

— training of employees included in the Presidential Personnel Reserve for Law Enforcement Agencies.

Problem 1.3. Expanding the use of IT technologies in the educational process

Result indicator:

— the share of digitalization of scientific and educational processes for each year, from 2019 to 2023, will be 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70%.

The results of this task will make it possible to automate as much as possible the management of the educational process at the Academy, including when conducting scientific research.

To achieve these results, the following measures will be taken:

— developed and implemented, as well as modernized the existing information systems and Internet resources of the Academy;
— distance-specific doctoral studies have been introduced;

— the issue of equipping the lecture room with a high-tech video conferencing system and an LED panel has been worked out.

Task 1.4. Integration into the global scientific and educational community

Result indicator:

— expansion of cooperation with scientific and educational organizations and implementation of concluded agreements.

To implement it, the following measures must be taken:

— concluding agreements with foreign and domestic organizations;

— carrying out activities within the framework of concluded agreements with scientific, educational and other organizations (UN, OSCE, CoE, etc.);

— training of national trainers in the areas of the Regional Hub (indicator by year – total number of national trainers);

— development and production of videos, information and reference materials about the activities of the Academy.


Result indicator No. 1:

– The percentage of scientists (persons holding academic degrees and titles) and practitioners (persons holding a special title of at least Counselor of Justice) of the total number of scientific and pedagogical staff by years from 2019 to 2023 will be – 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60%.

Result indicator No. 2:

– the share of staff members who have undergone training, professional development in a year from the total number of scientific and pedagogical staff in 2021, 2022 and 2023 will amount to – 10, 15 and 20%.

The results of this goal will make it possible to staff the Academy with qualified personnel, create a system of continuous training of employees and improve their professional level.

The following activities are to be implemented:

– Attracting professionals practitioners (with at least 5 years of work experience), scientists (Phd, Phd, Ph.D. and Ph.D. by profile) to work at the Academy;

– attracting scientists, professors and practicing professionals to work at the Academy, including as civil servants;

– the issue of budget financing of the Academy employees’ overseas travels (professional development, training, etc.) has been worked out;

– courses, seminars were organized to improve the qualification of the Academy staff, including the study of legislation and international experience;

– training of the teaching staff, including within the framework of the School of Pedagogical Excellence and the system of continuous professional development;

– study by the scientific and teaching staff of practical activities of law enforcement agencies, other organizations and institutions, including visits to them;

– improvement of scientific qualification of the staff, including by stimulating them to obtain academic degrees and titles;

– organization of training of employees in the state language;

– training of employees in the English language.

Task 3.1. Strengthening the moral and psychological climate at the Academy

Result indicator:

— the level of employee satisfaction with the moral and psychological climate in the team will be assessed annually as favorable.

Today, thanks to the measures taken, a major overhaul of the building, educational buildings and dormitories of the Academy has been carried out, furniture and some computer equipment have been replaced.

The Academy staff includes the position of assistant rector (psychologist).

To ensure strategic goals and competitiveness, it is necessary to continue to carry out activities, including the creation of the necessary infrastructure, including modern educational facilities, buildings and structures that can meet the needs of both employees and students.

The results of this task will make it possible to create an atmosphere of trust and transparency within the Academy, and increase the level of employee satisfaction with the moral and psychological climate in the team.

The following activities will be carried out:

— organization of cultural, sports and other events aimed at strengthening corporate culture;

— organizing and conducting socio-psychological trainings with employees, students and listeners on psychological methods of uniting service (educational) teams;

— stimulating the most active employees, students and listeners for high academic achievements, participation in social work, sports and cultural events;

— individual psychocounselling of employees in solving professional and family problems;

— improving the social and living conditions of students and listeners.


Result indicator No. 1:

— the effectiveness of interdepartmental research for each study conducted for each year from 2019 to 2023 will be 60, 75, 95, 115, 130 units.

Result indicator No. 2:

— the share of implementation of the results of master’s and doctoral dissertations of students into practical, scientific and pedagogical activities for each year from 2019 to 2023 will be 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90%.

The results of achieving this goal will improve the efficiency of interdepartmental research, scientific and methodological support for law enforcement practice and the image of the Academy in the scientific community.

The following measures will be taken:

— law enforcement agencies will participate in the formation of topics for students’ master’s and doctoral dissertations based on the needs of practice;

— the issue of identifying a pool of promising topics for interdepartmental scientific research will be worked out at a meeting of the Coordination Council of Law Enforcement Agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

— an online platform has been created and introduced to inform about ongoing scientific research and educational events of the Academy with the ability to quickly obtain the opinions of practitioners on problematic issues of law enforcement;

— publication and publishing activity of scientific employees is ensured;

— information support was organized for the Academy’s events in the media and on Internet resources (press releases), the number of subscribers on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and Vkontakte) was increased;

— developed our own methods of analysis, assessment, and mathematical models of legal phenomena;

— coverage of the results of scientific research (achievements) of the Academy on wide information platforms;

— conducting an annual analysis to determine the level of implementation of the results of master’s and doctoral dissertations in practical, scientific and pedagogical activities;

— generalization and submission to the Prosecutor General’s Office of proposals from Academy students to amend the current legislation as part of the conducted scientific research;

— the issue of introducing criminological expertise on draft regulatory legal acts related to the fight against crime and the protection of public order has been worked out with interested government bodies, with the organization of its implementation entrusted to the Academy;

— the publication activity of the Academy’s teaching staff is ensured;

— replenishment of the Academy’s library collection.



The Strategy implementation mechanism involves:

– organization of working meetings, monitoring of the Strategy implementation, control of the Action Plan implementation;

– regular updating and replenishment of strategic information through official statistics and monitoring results;

– preparation of presentation publications on the Strategy implementation with obligatory placement on the Academy website;

– consideration of the results of the Strategy and Action Plan implementation at the Academic Council meeting.


The implementation of the institution’s Strategy will ensure that the Academy continues to strengthen and develop as a leader in law enforcement science and education with advanced training, experience, and innovation.


Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 27.07.2007. “On Education”;

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 18.02.2011. “On Science”;

Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 24.08.2009 № 858 “On approval of the Concept of legal policy for the period from 2010 to 2020”;

Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 01.03.2016 № 205 “On approval of the State Program of Education Development for 2016 -2019 years”;

Message of the President to the people of Kazakhstan from 14.12.2012.

Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 17.01.2014. “Kazakhstan’s Way-2050: Common goal, common interests, common future”;

Program of the President dated 20.05.2015. “Plan of the Nation – 100 concrete steps”.

Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 31.01.2017. “The third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness”;

Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from September 2, 2019. Constructive public dialog – the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan.

Message of the Head of State to the people of Kazakhstan from September 1, 2020 “Kazakhstan in the new reality: time for action”;

Resolution of the Government of 25.04.2016 № 243 “On approval of the Action Plan for the implementation of the State Program of Education Development for 2016-2019”.

State standard of higher and postgraduate education (Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 № 604).

Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050″: New political course of the established state”