Scientific research on current issues of labor rights of citizens

The Interdepartmental Research Institute of the Academy has started conducting a scientific study “Problems of Prosecutor’s supervision over the observance of labor rights of citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the non-state sector”.

Analysis of the causes and conditions of protest moods that have occurred in the country in recent years has shown that in most cases, the main reasons are systematic violations of labor rights of citizens by employers. People complain about late payment of wages, discrimination in remuneration, and failure to take measures to protect workers.

Often, violations in the field of labor relations are facilitated by the presence of latent processes, especially in the private sector, when employers cover up all types of violations that have caused industrial injuries.

According to the authors of the study, the protection of labor rights is guaranteed by the Constitution of the country, is a common task of all participants in these legal relations and can only be achieved by common efforts.

The main goal of the research is to develop theoretical and practical recommendations for improving the effectiveness of supervision of compliance with labor legislation, as well as proposals for improving legislation.

The Law Enforcement Academy invites all interested individuals and organizations to cooperate and discuss the issues raised.

Suggestions and materials on issues of violation of labor rights, payment, safety and labor protection should be sent to the email address

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