Topical issues of the implementation of trilingual education in postgraduate education were discussed

Обсуждались актуальные вопросы реализации трехъязычного обучения в послевузовском образовании

The Law Enforcement Academy, as part of the implementation of the Address of the Head of State to the people of Kazakhstan “Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness”, held a republican round table on the topic: “Actual issues of the implementation of trilingual education in postgraduate education”.

It was attended by domestic and foreign scientists in the field of pedagogy, teaching methods and linguistics, as well as experts and teachers of multilingual specialties of universities.

The purpose of the event is to unite the efforts of stakeholders in solving urgent problems of the implementation of the trilingualism program in the postgraduate education system.

The meeting participants discussed interdisciplinary problems and prospects for the development of multilingualism in the educational and professional environment, exchanged experience in introducing trilingual education. There were also suggestions for effective practical approaches to addressing these issues.

Based on the results of the round table, specific recommendations were formulated on topical aspects of the implementation of trilingual education in the postgraduate education system of Kazakhstan.