On measures to strengthen security guarantees for participants in criminal proceedings

The Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies conducted an express study on the issues of ensuring the safety of persons involved in criminal proceedings.

Every year, thousands of people act as victims and witnesses. Many of them, who have become victims or witnesses of crimes, do not turn to law enforcement agencies, fearing the revenge of criminals or not believing in the effectiveness of state protection.

Based on the results of the scientific analysis, a number of proposals were developed aimed at fully protecting citizens, creating an effective mechanism for compensation for damage and restoring violated rights.

In particular, it is proposed to establish restrictions on the duration of security measures, reserving for the accused the right to petition the prosecutor and the court to verify the existence of an anonymous victim or witness. It is recommended that the security measures be financed from the budget and from specialized funds. It is also recognized that it is necessary to introduce mechanisms for the return of the amounts spent on the protection of false witnesses, fixing as a security measure a pre-trial investigation by an official under a pseudonym.

The results of the express study were sent to law enforcement agencies.