Lecture on the organization of scientific research

Today, within the framework of the Memorandum in the field of educational and research activities between the Academy and Nazarbayev University, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies hosted a guest lecture by PhD Doctor, Associate Professor Duishonkul Shamatov on the topic “Organization of scientific research.

Ethics of scientific research”.

The participants of the meeting were undergraduates, doctoral students and the teaching staff of the Academy.

In his speech, the lecturer focused on the issues of choosing the topic of scientific research, organizing and planning the research work of a young scientist, and spoke about modern and traditional methods of scientific research.

Then he offered the audience a topic for discussion – the ethics of scientific research.

In conclusion, D. Shamatov answered the questions of the audience, and also presented his recommendations on the organization of scientific research.

As the participants of the meeting noted, the event was very informative and useful for the further development of the scientific and intellectual potential of the Academy.