General Information

The Institute provides initial professional training for candidates for law enforcement service, as well as professional training, retraining and advanced training of law enforcement officers, including those in the Presidential Reserve.

The courses are conducted on the basis of a Schedule, curriculum and training programs, which are approved annually.

The training is differentiated according to the subject and the contingent of students. For these purposes, uniform standards have been introduced for the organization of courses, the development of curricula, as well as the preparation of teaching materials.


The Institute consists of:

1) Management of organizational and methodological work.

2) The Department of Prosecutorial Supervision.

3) The Department of Criminal Prosecution and Operational investigative Activities.

4) Department of service training.

5) Departments of special training in countering global threats.

Since the establishment of the Academy, 12939 law enforcement officers have been trained, including 4,446 employees in remote form.

Of the specified quantity:

  • 9720 people have completed advanced training courses;
  • 1,105 employees were trained at seminars and 180 at trainings;
  • 1,812 officers completed special initial training;
  • 122 future managers have improved their qualifications at the Presidential Reserve courses.


Initial professional training

Joint Order No. 80 of June 26, 2020 approved the Rules for selection for initial vocational training and the conditions for its passage for persons entering the service of the Prosecutor’s Office, the anti-corruption service and the Economic Investigation service, as well as the grounds for their deduction from initial vocational training.

666 employees of the Prosecutor’s Office, 197 employees of the Economic Investigation Service, 96 employees of the Anti—Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been trained.

299 employees of the prosecutor’s office, 50 employees of the anti—corruption service and 40 employees of the economic investigation Service are being trained.

The students signed a Contract, got acquainted with the enrollment order, the Rules of residence in the hostel and the internal regulations.

Free comfortable accommodation is provided for students in the Academy’s dormitory (spacious rooms with showers and bathrooms for 4 people, leisure and consumer services rooms, a dining room, etc.). A separate building is provided for women.

Three meals a day and a scholarship are also provided.

The training period for students of the Prosecutor’s Office, the anti—corruption service and the Economic Investigation Service is six months.

The educational process takes place in accordance with the curriculum and schedule.

The main feature of the initial professional training is the practice-oriented training of candidates for service under the specifics of each law enforcement agency with a mandatory internship.

This approach allows you to instill in-depth professional knowledge and skills. After training, young personnel will be ready for full-fledged service literally from the very first days.


Presidential Reserve

An important area of educational activity is the training of employees who are in the Presidential Reserve of the leadership of law enforcement agencies. This educational project is being implemented in fulfillment of the task set by the Head of State to create leaders of a new formation — leaders and modern managers.

The passage of the Presidential Reserve courses at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies is provided for by the Law “On Law Enforcement Service”, Presidential Decrees “On the formation of the Presidential Reserve of the leadership of law enforcement and special State bodies” (No. 624 dated 08/28/2013) and “On the establishment of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies at the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (No. 15 dated 05/04/2015).

To ensure a high level of training, reputable scientists and practitioners, foreign experts (USA, Great Britain, Singapore, etc.), representatives of the senior staff of government agencies, as well as the best domestic and foreign trainers are involved in the classes.

During the activity of the Academy, significant experience has been gained in conducting its own courses, which received positive feedback from the audience. For example, the course “Crisis Management” provides knowledge on the assessment and forecasting of such phenomena, develops negotiation skills, and also teaches you to quickly make the right decision in changing conditions.

The section “Modern management and the basics of analytical work” discusses issues of strategic and project management, Agile approaches, working in Scrum teams, the philosophy of Kaidzen and other tools that qualitatively improve daily activities.

A whole block is devoted to the development of flexible management skills (interaction with the media, development of creative thinking, public speaking, etc.).

Thus, the unique training program is aimed at training effective leaders of a new formation who are able to think outside the box and critically, make quick decisions and flexibly adapt to new realities of reality.

To date, 122 reservists have been trained in 11 courses, who have occupied responsible government and political positions.


Advanced training courses

Advanced training courses are conducted in a new format and are practice-oriented.

In particular, the organization of training includes three main stages: “Studying the knowledge needs of practice and the formation of the topics of advanced training courses”, “Determining the most effective forms of training, taking into account the specifics of the topics of advanced training courses” and “Evaluating the practical effectiveness of each course of study and making appropriate adjustments to the work”.

The expected effect of the implementation of these approaches is an increase in the efficiency of the employee who has been trained, a decrease in the number of shortcomings and omissions in work caused by a lack of knowledge and skills.

Classes at the courses are conducted by the academic staff of the Academy. In addition, judges of the Supreme Court, employees of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Economic Investigation Service, the Anti-Corruption Service and the National Security Committee, the Ministry of Justice, and certified international trainers are invited as lecturers.


Special initial training

A fundamentally new form of training is being applied for young employees of the Prosecutor’s Office (DCLS, CMP), the Anti-Corruption Service and the Economic Investigation Service.

After appointment, law enforcement officers take a full-fledged one-month course at the Academy based on advanced educational technologies and with an emphasis on the practical part.

The training is conducted in accordance with the curricula developed on the basis of the Competence Passport (industry-wide, written, communicative, professional).

Lectures and practical classes are conducted by the staff of the Academy, the Prosecutor General’s Office and other authorized bodies.

Attention is also paid to physical, fire and combat training.

The professional level is determined in the course of solving case problems that simulate the daily work of a prosecutor.

Skills such as the ability to work with departmental information systems, preparation of legal documents, organization of work in the areas of prosecutorial supervision, investigative and operational investigative activities, analyze problematic issues, creatively approach their solution, etc. are subject to verification.

From 2016 to 2023, 1,812 law enforcement officers were trained.


About the Regional Hub for Countering Global Threats

In 2016, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies defined a strategic goal of establishing and functioning as a Regional hub for countering global threats.

The Academy’s initiative was approved by the United Nations, within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation signed on April 11, 2018 in Vienna between the Prosecutor General’s Office of Kazakhstan and UNODC.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to pool resources and synchronize the efforts of the Academy and its partners to build a single platform for training specialists and conducting practice-oriented research.

To date, we have successfully trained law enforcement officers in Central Asia and regularly exchange experience in countering terrorism and extremism, financial crimes and corruption, drug crime, human trafficking and cybercrime.

Over the past years, more than 205 different training events have been held at the Hub site, where over six and a half thousand law enforcement officers of Kazakhstan have improved their skills, as well as more than 747 employees from 27 countries (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Lithuania, etc.). 431 have been involved in training foreign experts.

With the support of UNODC and the US Embassy, national trainers in the field of investigation of financial (14) and cybercrimes (20) from among law enforcement and other government agencies of Kazakhstan have been trained at the Hub site. This year, with the support of the IOM, 23 national trainers on combating human trafficking are completing their training.

The activity as a Regional Hub for countering global threats has led to the award of two international statuses to the Academy in the role of basic organizations.

Thus, on April 6, 2018, by the decision of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the CIS, the Academy was given the status of a basic organization for advanced training and retraining of personnel for tax (financial) investigations.

Since December 10, 2020, the Academy has been the Basic organization of the CIS member states for retraining and advanced training of prosecutorial and investigative staff of the Prosecutor’s office.

Taking into account the needs and proposals of the member countries of the Commonwealth, the Academy conducts international training events in this area on an annual basis.

In this status, the Academy has organized 7 educational events in the field of investigation of (tax) financial crimes and 4 for prosecutorial and investigative staff.

Educational services are provided by the best national and foreign specialists in all areas, including professional scientists, practitioners, innovators in their field, who are gradually involved in the educational process.

For example, in the field of countering terrorism and religious extremism, this is a pool of professionals from among the experts of the ATC of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Terrorism Prevention Branch of the UNODC headquarters, and the Europol Counter—Terrorism Division.

Cooperation with domestic, foreign and international organizations is actively developing to ensure the professional development of law enforcement officers, the exchange of best practices and knowledge.

In general, the Academy has from 10 to 30 domestic, foreign and international organizations as partners in each field.


Educational content

* In the field of combating human trafficking and illegal migration, there are international and national legislation on combating human trafficking; modern mechanisms for preventing human trafficking and providing assistance to victims of human trafficking; activities to identify and solve crimes in the field of human trafficking;

* in the field of countering financial crimes and corruption — countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime; methodology for assessing corruption risks; modern approaches to organizing work in the field of countering the legalization of proceeds from criminal activity (CARIN asset recovery information exchange networks in Europe and ARIN-AP in Asia; development group financial measures to combat money laundering (FATF)/Eurasian Group (EAG); EGMONT Group, tools for operational analysis of IT solutions);

* in the field of countering cybercrime — computers and networks; criminal law and criminological characteristics of computer crimes; investigation and electronic evidence; computer-technical expertise; international cooperation;

* in the field of countering drug trafficking — methods of countering the spread of narcotic and psychotropic substances using Internet information resources, including the Web resource “hidden Internet of the TOR network”; identification on the Internet and blocking of sites related to advertising and distribution of narcotic drugs and psychoactive substances; methods of identifying places of cashing out and identification of real users; international experience in combating drug trafficking by mail;

* in the field of countering extremism and terrorism — counter-terrorism strategies: successes and mistakes of advanced countries; ensuring anti-terrorist security, including at facilities vulnerable to terrorism; cyberterrorism, especially radicalization and recruitment via the Internet; countering the financing of terrorism and extremism; foreign experience in investigating cases of extremism; legislation of advanced countries to combat terrorism terrorism; activities of international terrorist organizations; methods of terror; prevention of terrorism and extremism;


To consolidate students’ theoretical knowledge, a multifunctional simulation exercise hall was launched at the Academy: a cyber center (equipped with computers, server equipment, a crime lab), a transformer hall, the main function of which is to conduct simulation exercises, as well as other types of training in all areas of the Regional Hub and a Control Center where experts coordinate the work of students.

The training is based on innovative techniques that help current employees fully assimilate the training material.

When forming educational programs and conducting trainings, employees adhere to the “golden” rule of the classical training system, where 80% are practical cases and tasks, simulation exercises, etc., and 20% are theoretical knowledge.

Indirect evidence collection methods are used in trainings on countering money laundering. The content of training events in the areas of combating human trafficking, countering terrorism and extremism includes such a modern form of education as film training.

Since 2018, simulation trainings on combating human trafficking and laundering of proceeds from drug crime have been actively used in the training process.

This year, a new simulation training scenario has been developed on the topic: “Detection of drug crime on the Internet and investigations, legalization (laundering) of drug proceeds.”

Simulation training has distinctive features:

* Live actors are used in the exercises to simulate real cases, which are studied by practitioners during the week;

* The training format is based on an interdisciplinary approach that brings together practitioners from various fields of activity;

* The training involves the participation of students from different regions, which helps to strengthen professional communication between participants, directions and regions.

Analytical work is being carried out at the Hub site, methodological recommendations are being developed in the following areas, regular study of the law enforcement practice of law enforcement agencies of the CIS countries and a rule-making initiative to resolve systemic legal gaps are being conducted.

There is a constant search and collection of the latest forms, innovative teaching methods and technologies. Creation of new high-quality educational and scientific products based on modern challenges and socially sensitive problems of the CIS countries.

For example, during the pandemic and the transition to remote work, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies, with the assistance of the OSCE office in Astana and the US Embassy, created author’s basic training video courses on combating human trafficking in the Republic of Kazakhstan and countering the legalization of criminal proceeds and the return of stolen assets.