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To train leaders of the new formation

The next courses of professional retraining of the staff members in the Presidential Reserve started in the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies. Leaders of the prosecution and internal affairs bodies will raise their qualifications. The opening ceremony was attended by the President’s Assistant, Security Council Secretary Vladimir Zhumakanov and Prosecutor General Zhakip Asanov. The Prosecutor […]

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Strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation

The Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan Zhakip Asanov met with members of the OSCE delegation led by the official representative of the OSCE to combat trafficking in human beings Madina Dzharbusynova. A constructive conversation and exchange of views took place during the meeting on the current areas of cooperation of mutual interest. The interlocutors expressed great […]

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In order to prevent juvenile delinquency

The audience of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies was enlarged with a new contingent. A training cycle on the prevention of juvenile delinquency has started for twenty-five students of the capital’s schools. Training has become an important component of the project “Modernization of prevention of juvenile delinquency” conducted by the Prosecutor’s Office of Astana. […]


Courses on combating corruption

Within the framework of professional development, the staff of the Prosecutor’s Office and the Anti-Corruption Service will study the issues of combating corruption in state bodies and quasi-public sector in special courses at the Academy. The students will master three important training modules during the week: “Strategic and current issues of the state’s anti-corruption policy […]


Courses on development of oratory skills

The Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office has opened advanced training courses for prosecutors on “The development of public speaking skills and practical application in activities.” The course provides mastering of four modules: “The role and importance of public prosecution”, “Public Speech”, “The workshop of communicative psychology,” “Conflict as a way […]

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In the framework of mutually beneficial cooperation

The Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies will cooperate with the Turan-Astana University. The corresponding memorandum was concluded by the head of the Academy Nail Akhmetzakirov and the rector of the university Gulzhamal Dzhaparova. Within the framework of the agreement, the parties intend to consolidate efforts aimed at training scientific and pedagogical personnel, conducting fundamental research […]
