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Combining efforts to combat corruption

A seminar on “Collective Actions to Combat Corruption” was held at the Regional Hub on Countering Global Threats with the support of the OSCE. Representatives of the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption, the General Prosecutor’s Office, the National Security Committee, as well as public organizations and the business community took part in its work. […]

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In honour of the professional holiday

On the day of the professional holiday of prosecutors a solemn meeting dedicated to this event was held at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies. The head of the Academy congratulated his colleagues, wished success in the fulfilment of the tasks. Nail Akhmetzakirov noted the role and place of the prosecutor’s office in strengthening statehood, […]

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About the current trends in the police service

The Regional Seminar “Police Activities Based on Operational Data and Information”, organized by the Academy in cooperation with the OSCE was held on the Regional Hub for Countering Global Threats of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies. The First Acting Vice-Rector of the Academy Shakir Shayakhmetov, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Kazakhstan Gerhard […]

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Successful defence of a doctoral dissertation

Another scientific thesis on the specialty “Jurisprudence” was defended in the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies. The work of the PhD student Erbol Omarov on the topic “Procedural and other actions conducted in the course of rendering legal assistance during the pre-trial investigation in the Republic of Kazakhstan” was presented. The meeting of the Dissertation […]

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Prosecutors passed the requalification

The Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies completed the retraining of prosecutors previously assigned to other areas of prosecution supervision. The training was conducted under a special program, which provided for the basic skills of supervision in the criminal process. Emphasis has been made on assimilation of practical bases of supervision. The classes were conducted by […]

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Courses for prosecutor’s employees

The Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies organized training courses on the topic “Issues of application of criminal and criminal procedural legislation” for employees of the Zhambyl region prosecutor’s office. The training program included such important modules as the implementation of the criminal law in the work of the prosecutor, the activities of the prosecutor in […]
