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Regular courses for employees of the Economic Investigation Service

Regular courses of special initial training of employees of the Economic investigation service of the State Revenue Committee opened in the Law Enforcement Academy. The main purpose of the training is to develop the necessary professional skills and knowledge. The training is aimed at developing general, written, communicative, informational and professional competence of young specialists. […]

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Courses for prosecutors have started

The Law Enforcement Academy launched a week-long advanced training course for prosecutors on the participation of the prosecutors in civil proceedings. During the week, the group of prosecutors will study in depth the practical directions of prosecutorial supervision over the legality of judicial acts that have entered into force, the representation of the interests of […]

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As part of the implementation of presidential initiatives

The Staff of the Law Enforcement Academy met with deputies of the Majilis Nurlan Abdirov and Ersultan Bekturganov, as well as Deputy of the city maslikhat Ramzia Umerbayeva. The meeting was held as part of the explanation of the address of the Head of state “Five social initiatives of the President”. Representatives of the deputies […]


Training on negotiation skills in crisis situations

The Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s office held a practical training on negotiating skills in crisis situations. The training was organized in the form of hostage-taking with the participation of employees of the Israel Embassy in one of the residential complexes of Astana. During the lesson, prosecutors had a unique opportunity to see […]


Cuban prosecutors visited Law Enforcement Academy

The Law Enforcement Academy was visited by a delegation of ten prosecutors from Cuba, headed by the Chief Prosecutor of the Department of organization and planning of the Prosecutor General’s office of the Republic of Cuba. The program of the visit includes acquaintance with the system of Supervisory bodies of Kazakhstan, the main activities to […]

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June 26, 2018 at 17.00 hours in the building of the Law Enforcement Academy at the Prosecutor General’s office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kosshy village, small conference hall) will be held a meeting of the Certification Commission (interviewing certified employees). HR Department of the Administration of the Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s […]
