Симуляционный тренинг для государственных обвинителей

Simulation training for public prosecutors

A simulation trial was held within the framework of the Forum of Public Prosecutors at the Law Enforcement Academy. Opening the training event, the rector of the Academy Yergali Merzadinov noted the importance of holding it to improve the quality of maintaining state prosecution, the ability of prosecutors to participate in a court at a […]

Ректор Академии встретился с представителями США

Rector of the Academy met with US representatives

Rector of the Law Enforcement Academy Yergali Merzadinov met with US Assistant Secretary of State at the Bureau of International Drug Control and Law Enforcement (INL) Yorgan Andrews today at the Prosecutor General’s Office. Yorgan Andrews oversees INL’s drug trafficking prevention programs, implemented in Europe and Asia in partnership with international partners. Welcoming the guest, […]

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Internship of the Academy’s magistracy student in Japan

Magistracy student of the Law Enforcement Academy E. Abdimajitov passed a training course on the rule of law in Japan in the framework of the draft MIRAI 2018 program. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan on a competitive basis selected the most prepared students and leading lawyers from the countries of the Caucasus and […]

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Academic council

About the meeting of the Academic Council

Topical issues of scientific and educational activities were considered at regular meeting of the Academic Council of the Law Enforcement Academy. The Council approved the report of the State Attestation Commission on the results of the comprehensive exam of doctoral students of the Academy, as well as draft standard curricula for the specialties of Law […]

Обсуждались актуальные вопросы реализации трехъязычного обучения в послевузовском образовании

Topical issues of the implementation of trilingual education in postgraduate education were discussed

The Law Enforcement Academy, as part of the implementation of the Address of the Head of State to the people of Kazakhstan “Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness”, held a republican round table on the topic: “Actual issues of the implementation of trilingual education in postgraduate education”. It was attended by domestic and foreign scientists […]

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Criminological forum on improving the criminal and criminal procedure legislation

Today at the Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s Office, a regular meeting of the Criminological Forum was held to discuss the concept of the bill on improving the criminal and criminal procedure legislation. It was attended by deputies of the Parliament, representatives of the Presidential Administration, the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General’s Office, […]
