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Baigaliev Alibek Bolatovich

Baigaliev Alibek Bolatovich will defend a dissertation for the degree of doctor (PhD) on “Deontological basis of law enforcement of the Prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in the specialty “6D030100-Jurisprudence” at the Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The dissertation is made on the basis of […]

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Kainar Erbolat Erzhanuly

Kainar Erbolat’s dissertation defense for the degree of doctor (PhD) on the theme: “Criminal-legal and criminological problems of combating organized crime in the penitentiary system of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage” specialty “6D030300 — Law Enforcement” will be held In the Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic […]

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Omarov Erbol Agbaevich

Due to the construction work at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the place for the defence of the thesis for Ph.D. Omarov Erbol Agbaevich on the topic: “Procedural and other actions conducted in the course of providing legal assistance during pre-trial investigation in Republic […]

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Omarov Erbol Agbaevich

The defence of the thesis of Omarov Erbol Agbaevich for the Doctor’s degree (PhD) will be held at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic: “Procedural and other actions conducted in the course of rendering legal assistance during the pre-trial investigation in the […]

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Kumarbekkyzy Zhaniy

The thesis for the PhD degree of Kumarbekkyzy Zhaniya will be defended on the topic: ” Punishments in the form of penalties and property confiscation for crimes in the sphere of corruption and economicactivity “, specializing in 6D030100-Jurisprudence in the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan. […]

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Mamitova Zhanat Askarovna

The defence of the thesis for the degree of Doctor (PhD) of Mamitova Zhanat Askarovna on the topic: “Problems of implementation of anti-corruption conventions in the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan” on the specialty “6D030100-Jurisprudence” will take place in the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic […]
