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Academic council

About the meeting of the Academic Council

Topical issues of scientific and educational activities were considered at the regular meeting of the Academic Council of the Law Enforcement Academy. The main topic of the agenda was the discussion of the information of the Institute of Postgraduate Education about the organization of the admission campaign to the magistracy and doctoral studies. The meeting […]

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Academic council

About the meeting of the Academic Council

On March 28, 2019, a regular meeting of the Academic Council of the Law Enforcement Academy was held. At the meeting of the Academic Council, the report of head of the Department of International cooperation Ryskulov D.A. “On the international activities of the Academy and its prospects” was heard and the Academy Development Strategy for […]

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Academic council

About the meeting of the Academic Council

Topical issues of scientific and educational activities were considered at regular meeting of the Academic Council of the Law Enforcement Academy. The Council approved the report of the State Attestation Commission on the results of the comprehensive exam of doctoral students of the Academy, as well as draft standard curricula for the specialties of Law […]

Academic council

About the meeting of the Academic Council

Topical issues of scientific and educational activities were considered at the regular meeting of the Academic Council of the Law Enforcement Academy held on January 25 of the current year. One of the main issues on the agenda was the approval of the composition of the new dissertation council. The well-known Kazakhstani scientist, doctor of […]

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Academic council

On the meeting of the Academic Council

On December 26, 2018, a regular meeting of the Academic Council of the Law Enforcement Academy was held. At the meeting of the Academic Council, the curricula and the schedule of the Institute for Improving the Professional Level of the Academy for 2019 were approved, the disciplines for the final certification of the 2018-2019 academic […]

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Academic council

On the meeting of the Academic Council

A regular meeting of the Academic Council of the Law Enforcement Academy was held on November 28, 2018. Reports were presented by the head of the Department for the Development and Maintenance of Information and Communication Systems of the Academy Sadykov MB “On the introduction of information technology in the Academy: status and prospects” and […]
